Government Publishes Research Reports Related To The New Pro-competition Regime For Digital Markets



Competition and innovation in digital markets: this report collates and evaluates the available literature on whether there is inadequate innovation in digital markets...
United Kingdom Antitrust/Competition Law
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The Government has published two research reports:

Competition and innovation in digital markets: this report collates and evaluates the available literature on whether there is inadequate innovation in digital markets and explores the role of competition policy in boosting innovation; the research draws upon a range of qualitative and quantitative evidence to provide insights on the impact on and measurement of innovation, the effects of potential regulatory interventions, and the impact of mergers and acquisitions on innovation; it also explores approaches to move forward and options for developing the evidence base; and

Retailers' experience of using digital platforms: this survey was commissioned to understand retailers' experience of using third-party online platforms to sell their products and services; the objectives of the research were to: (i) establish the extent to which businesses use online platforms; (ii) understand motivations for using online platforms; (iii) explore their experiences on online platforms, including any negative impacts on their business; and (iv) assess businesses' ability to respond to impacts or potential harms through their own actions.

To access the research reports, click  here.

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