Status: British Overseas Territory
Location: Eastern Caribbean.
Anguilla is the most northerly of the Leeward Islands chain, situation 242km east of Puerto Rico and 1,450km miles south-east of Miami.
Area: 56km2
Capital: The Valley
Population: 9,000
Business language: English
Currency: Eastern Caribbean Dollar (EC$). EC$1=100 cents.
The US$ is widely accepted. US$1=EC$2.70
Time zone: GMT -4, Atlantic Standard Time Zone
Office hours: Mon-Fri 8am to 4pm
Climate: Tropical
Average temperatures: 24ºc - 29.5ºc


Ministry of Finance
The Valley
British West Indies
Tel: + 1 264 497 2451
Fax: + 1 264 497 2572

Financial Services Department
PO Box 60
The Valley
British West Indies
Tel: + 1 264 497 5881
Fax: + 1 264 497 5872


All non-nationals of Anguilla require a work permit which must be obtained through the Department of Labour.


Anguilla has excellent air connections - either directly or via Antigua, Puerto Rico and St Maarten - with Canada, the US and Europe. Regular shuttle services operate between Anguilla and St Maarten, which is only 9.6km away. The island has a modern telecommunications systems and an efficient postal network.


As a British Dependent Territory, Anguilla is stable, both politically and economically. The Governor is appointed by the British Government and has direct responsibility for external affairs, defence, internal security and the civil service. In domestic affairs the Governor is advised by an Executive Council, which is made up of elected Government ministers and ex-officio civil servants. Anguilla has a written constitution which safeguards the rights and freedom of all residents


In the past, the construction industry, boat building, fishing and agriculture were of major importance to the economy of Anguilla. Tourism and the provision of offshore financial services are now the island's main industries and an important source of government revenue. The construction industry is still, however, a major employer.


  • No income tax, either on personal or corporate income, whether derived locally or offshore
  • No capital gains tax, VAT, gift tax, withholding tax, accumulation tax or death duties
  • No foreign exchange restrictions
  • No legal distinction between local Anguillan companies and offshore companies
  • Legal system based on English Common Law, supplemented by local statues
  • Well-regulated financial services
  • Thorough modernisation of financial services legislation and company incorporation facilities are currently being undertaken by the Government
  • Electronic Companies Registry System

The content of this factfile is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

This factfile also appears in the 'International Offshore and Financial Centres Handbook 1999/2000'. For further information about this highly informative guide to offshore centres, or to order your copy, please phone +44 (0) 207 820 7733 or send an email to