16 January 2025

State Aid - Horizon Scanner: Infrastructure, Construction, Energy, January 2025

Arthur Cox


Arthur Cox is one of Ireland’s leading law firms. For almost 100 years, we have been at the forefront of developments in the legal profession in Ireland. Our practice encompasses all aspects of corporate and business law. The firm has offices in Dublin, Belfast, London, New York and Silicon Valley.
The European Commission approved, under EU State aid rules, an estimated €4.06 billion German measure to support the operation of four storage and regassification units...
European Union Energy and Natural Resources


The European Commission approved, under EU State aid rules, an estimated €4.06 billion German measure to support the operation of four storage and regassification units for the import of Liquefied Natural Gas by Deutsche Energy Terminal. The measure contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the REPowerEU Plan, by enabling the diversification of energy supplies and ensuring security of gas supply. Further information can be found here.


The European Commission opened an in-depth investigation to assess whether public support that Poland plans to grant for a nuclear power plant in Lubiatowo-Kopalino is in line with EU State aid rules. In September 2024, Poland notified the Commission of its plan to support a State-owned company in the construction of a new nuclear power plant in Lubiatowo-Kopalino. The total investment costs of the project are estimated to be approximately €45 billion. Based on its preliminary assessment, the Commission has found that the aid package is necessary and has an incentive effect, as the beneficiary would not carry out the project without the public support. Nevertheless, the Commission has doubts at this stage on whether the measure is fully in line with EU State aid rules. Further information can be found here.


The European Commission approved a French scheme of a maximum amount of €3 billion to support for a period of 15 years companies subject to the EU Emission Trading Scheme in decarbonising their production processes. The measure will contribute to the implementation of France's National Energy and Climate Plan and achievement of the European Green Deal. Further information can be found here.


The European Commission approved a €3 billion German-Dutch scheme to support the production of renewable fuels of non-biological origin, including renewable hydrogen, throughout the world. These RFNBOs will be imported and sold in the EU, contributing to objectives of the EU Hydrogen Strategy and European Green Deal. Further information is available here.


The European Commission approved a €350 million German measure to support Concrete Chemicals GmbH in the production of synthetic aviation fuels. The measure will contribute to the achievement of the European Green Deal and the ReFuelEU Aviation targets. Further information is available here.


The European Commission approved an estimated €9.7 billion Italian scheme to support electricity production from renewable energy sources to foster the transition towards a net-zero economy. The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework. Further information is available here.

This article contains a general summary of developments and is not a complete or definitive statement of the law. Specific legal advice should be obtained where appropriate.

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