29 September 2023

Webinar: Office Handbook Under Hong Kong Employment Laws In Particular Of Personal Data Protection, Cybersecurity And More

Our informative webinar will explore the realms of personal data privacy and cybersecurity in the context of Employment Handbooks. Concepts like Data Protection Principles, Anti-Money Laundering in Cybersecurity, and Cybersecurity in Special Industries will be introduced.
Worldwide Employment and HR

In today's digital age, it is vital for employment terms and handbooks to match the ever-changing needs of the employment market. Safeguarding clients' and employees' personal data, enhancing data security awareness, as well as mitigating cyber threats has become crucial for organisations and employers alike. As these become increasingly prevalent concerns in corporations, we have launched a webinar to elucidate the contemporary issues in Employment Handbook under Employment Laws and various ordinances in Hong Kong.

Our informative webinar will explore the realms of personal data privacy and cybersecurity in the context of Employment Handbooks. Concepts like Data Protection Principles, Anti-Money Laundering in Cybersecurity, and Cybersecurity in Special Industries will be introduced. Integrating legal knowledge, practical examples and valuable insights from legal practitioners, our webinar will provide you with a fresh legal perspective in Hong Kong Employment Laws.

Our webinar will entail:

  1. Legal Status of Employment Handbooks -- Are they part of the Employment Contract?
  2. Common Components of Employment Handbooks
  3. Personal Data Privacy Ordinance ("PDPO") in the Context of Employment Handbooks -- What are the relevant Data Protection Principles and what steps can we adopt to comply with the Principles?
  4. Cybersecurity in the Context of Employment Handbooks -- What are the practical tips to secure your organisation's hardware and software to improve data security and prevent money laundering?
  5. Controversial Issues - Discrimination?

Not only can you stay up to date with the developments in employment laws to prevent legal challenges, equipping yourself with relevant knowledge can also benefit employee management and enhance HR effectiveness.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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