10 December 2024

CoA, November 27, 2024, Order On A Request For Discretionary Review Of An Order On Security For Costs (R.220.3 RoP), UPC_CoA_651/2024

Bardehle Pagenberg


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In the case at hand, the Mannheim Local Division ordered, with reference to Art. 69(4) UPCA and R.158 RoP, Claimant Total Semiconductor to provide security in an amount of € 600.000...
Germany Litigation, Mediation & Arbitration

1. Key takeaways

With this order, the Court of Appeal allows leave to appeal on the question whether the judge-rapporteur can decide alone on security for costs of a party and deny leave to appeal.

In the case at hand, the Mannheim Local Division ordered, with reference to Art. 69(4) UPCA and R.158 RoP, Claimant Total Semiconductor to provide security in an amount of € 600.000 either by deposit or by a bank guarantee issued by a bank licensed in the European Union, within eight weeks from the date of service of the order. Leave to appeal was refused. The order was adopted by the judge-rapporteur. Total Semiconductor made a request to the Court of Appeal for discretionary review.

2. Division

Luxembourg Court of Appeal

3. UPC number



4. Type of proceedings

Discretionary review of an order on security of costs (leave for appeal denied)

5. Parties

Appellant and Claimant before the Court of First Instance:


Respondents and Defendants before the Court of First Instance:

  1. Texas Instruments EMEA Sales GmbH (Freising, Germany)
  2. Texas Instruments Deutschland GmbH (Freising, Germany)

6. Patent(s)

EP 2 746 957

7. Body of legislation / Rules

Art. 69(4) UPCA, Rules 158, 158.3, 220.2 RoP

2024-11-27 UPC_CoA_651_2025 APL_59329_2024_en Download

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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