26 February 2024

The Rise Of AI And Deep Fake Technology In The Banking Industry



Artificial intelligence (AI) and deep fake technology are transforming the banking industry in various ways. AI is the ability of machines to perform tasks that normally...
United Arab Emirates Finance and Banking


Artificial intelligence (AI) and deep fake technology are transforming the banking industry in various ways. AI is the ability of machines to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as speech recognition, image analysis, decision-making, and natural language processing. These technologies can bring many benefits to the banking industry, such as enhancing customer service, improving fraud detection, streamlining operations, and personalizing products. However, they also pose significant risks and challenges, such as increasing cyberattacks, compromising data privacy, undermining trust, and creating ethical dilemmas. In this article, we will explore some of the examples and impacts of AI and deep fake technology in the banking industry and suggest some solutions to prevent and mitigate such fraud.

Impacts of AI and Deep Fake Technology in the Banking Industry

AI and deep fake technology can be used for both good and evil purposes in the banking industry. On the one hand, they can help banks to enhance their customer experience, efficiency, and profitability. For instance, some banks use AI-powered chatbots or voice assistants to provide 24/7 customer service, answer queries, offer advice, and execute transactions. Some banks use AI and machine learning to analyze customer data, behavior, and preferences, and offer personalized and tailored products and services. Some banks use AI and deep fake technology to create realistic and engaging marketing campaigns, such as using celebrities or influencers to endorse their products or services. Some banks use AI and deep fake technology to train their employees, such as using virtual reality or augmented reality to simulate real-life scenarios or situations.

On the other hand, AI and deep fake technology can also be used for malicious and fraudulent purposes in the banking industry. For instance, some cybercriminals use AI and deep fake technology to create fake identities, documents, or biometrics, and use them to open accounts, apply for loans, or access funds. Some cybercriminals use AI and deep fake technology to create fake websites, emails, or phone calls, and use them to trick customers or employees into revealing their personal or financial information, or transferring money. Some cybercriminals use AI and deep fake technology to create fake news, reviews, or social media posts, and use them to manipulate the market, influence the public opinion, or damage the reputation of banks or competitors.

One of the challenges of detecting and combating AI and deep fake fraud in the banking industry is the lack of reliable and consistent data and statistics. However, according to the latest report by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), the global loss from fraud is estimated to be $4.7 trillion annually (based on the study of 2,110 fraud cases in 133 countries), and 13% of these frauds involved artificial intelligence or biometric technologies. The report also found that the most common types of frauds using AI or biometrics were identity theft, account takeover, and synthetic identity fraud. Moreover, the report highlighted that the COVID-19 pandemic created new opportunities and vulnerabilities for fraudsters, as more customers and employees relied on digital channels and remote work arrangements. In most of the cases employees were somehow involved in fraudulent activities and therefore the background check of the employees is critical.

One of the recent examples of AI and deep fake fraud in the banking industry is the case of a UK energy firm, which lost £201,000 after its CEO was tricked by a deepfake voice scam. The fraudster used a sophisticated software to mimic the voice and accent of the CEO's boss, who was based in Germany, and instructed him to transfer the money to a Hungarian supplier, claiming it was an urgent and confidential matter. The fraud was discovered only after the real boss called the CEO and denied any knowledge of the transaction. The money was never recovered, and the fraudster remains at large.

The impacts of AI and deep fake technology in the banking industry can be significant and far-reaching. They can affect the security, privacy, trust, and ethics of the banking industry. They can cause financial losses, legal liabilities, regulatory penalties, reputational damages, and customer dissatisfaction for banks. They can also create social, political, and economic instability, and undermine the credibility and integrity of the banking industry.

Solutions to Prevent and Mitigate AI and Deep Fake Fraud in the Banking Industry

  • To prevent and mitigate AI and deep fake fraud in the banking industry, banks need to adopt a proactive and comprehensive approach that involves multiple stakeholders and measures. Some of the possible solutions are:
  • Investing in advanced and robust cybersecurity systems and tools, such as encryption, authentication, verification, firewall, antivirus, and blockchain, to protect their data, networks, and systems from unauthorized access, manipulation, or disruption.
  • Implementing strict and clear policies, procedures, and standards, such as data governance, privacy protection, ethical guidelines, and code of conduct, to regulate their use and management of AI and deep fake technology, and to ensure their compliance with relevant laws and regulations.
  • Educating and training their customers, employees, and executives, on the benefits and risks of AI and deep fake technology, and on how to identify, report, and respond to potential AI and deep fake fraud, such as verifying the source, content, and context of the information, and using trusted and reliable channels and platforms.
  • Collaborating and cooperating with other banks, industry associations, government agencies, law enforcement, academia, and civil society, to share best practices, experiences, and insights, to develop common standards and frameworks, to monitor and detect emerging threats and trends, and to coordinate and support each other in preventing and mitigating AI and deep fake fraud.
  • Conducting thorough and regular employee background checks, to verify their identity, qualifications, and integrity, and to screen out any potential fraudsters, impostors, or malicious insiders, who may abuse or compromise the AI and deep fake technology, or collude with external perpetrators, to commit or facilitate AI and deep fake fraud.


AI and deep fake technology are revolutionizing the banking industry, but they also bring new and complex challenges and risks. Banks need to be aware and prepared for the potential AI and deep fake fraud and take proactive and comprehensive actions to prevent and mitigate them. By doing so, banks can leverage the opportunities and advantages of AI and deep fake technology, while minimizing the threats and disadvantages and ultimately, enhance their performance, reputation and trust in the banking industry.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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