Work Rights Automatically Extended For Short-Term Workers Who Extend Their Stay

Effective June 4, 2024, foreign workers working and residing in Denmark on a Short-Term Fast Track permit who extend their stay can continue working during the entire extended period...
Denmark Employment and HR

Effective June 4, 2024, foreign workers working and residing in Denmark on a Short-Term Fast Track permit who extend their stay can continue working during the entire extended period without obtaining a provisional work permit, providing new biometric data or conducting a new identification check with Danish authorities (as was previously required) as long as their total stay does not exceed 90 days. Short-Term Fast Track permits allow a maximum stay of 90 days within a 12-month period. If one uses all of the 90 days within the 12-month period, affected individuals would need to apply for a new work and residence permit. These reforms seek to give employers greater flexibility with respect to their short-stay workforce.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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