Anti-counterfeiting training
During October 2019, we travelled to Dar Es Salaam in Tanzania to conduct Brand Identification Training at the REACT workshop with the Fair Competition Commission ("FCC") officials to assist them in combating the sale of counterfeit goods in Tanzania.
The workshop was very well attended by the FCC, the Director General of the FCC, Dr John K Mduma was present and provided the opening address stressing the importance of combatting counterfeit goods and providing a further undertaking to continue to assist Brand Holders in protecting their Intellectual Property Rights in Tanzania.
- Construction industry at work expanding national infrastructure and ICT are economy-leading sectors
- Busy, region-serving Dar es Salaam port exemplifies Tanzania's historic trade links with rest of world
- A robust tourism industry is founded on Tanzania's game parks and scenery
- Autocratic actions of President Magufuli's administration have spawned human rights abuses
- A majority of Tanzania's population are poor and excluded from economic growth
- World commodity prices dictate profitability of agriculture sector, and hit sugar and forestry products in 2019
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.