DIY And Holographic Wills: Why Legal Expertise Matters

Given the access to a plethora of resources on the internet, the allure of do-it-yourself (DIY) solutions are appealing for various tasks, from home repairs to financial planning.
Canada Family and Matrimonial

Given the access to a plethora of resources on the internet, the allure of do-it-yourself (DIY) solutions are appealing for various tasks, from home repairs to financial planning. However, when it comes to estate planning, particularly in jurisdictions like Ontario, where legal formalities are crucial, DIY wills and holographic wills can lead to significant complications and legal challenges. Here's why seeking legal expertise is essential in crafting a valid and effective will in Ontario.

Requirements for a Valid Will

Ontario's Succession Law Reform Act (SLRA) outlines specific requirements for a will to be valid. While the act doesn't mandate the use of a lawyer, it stresses the importance of precise language and proper execution. DIY will kits or holographic wills, often lacking legal oversight, may not meet these requirements.

For a Will to be valid in Ontario, per sections 3 and 4 of the SLRA, it must meet the following requirements*:

  1. Be in writing: The will must be written. This can be typed or handwritten.
  2. Signature: The testator (person drafting the will) must sign the will at the end of the document. If the testator is unable to sign, they can direct someone else to do so in their presence and under their direction.
  3. Witnesses: The will must be signed in the presence of at least two witnesses who are not beneficiaries or spouses of beneficiaries. Witnesses must also sign the will in the presence of the testator and each other.
  4. Presence: The testator and witnesses must be in each other's presence when the will is signed.

For a Holographic Will to be valid in Ontario, it must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be handwritten: The entire will must be written in the handwriting of the testator. Typewritten or partially typewritten wills are NOT considered holographic.
  2. No witness required: Unlike formal wills, holographic wills do not require witnesses. However, the absence of witnesses can make it easier for the validity of the will to be challenged.
  3. Date: The holographic will should ideally contain a date to establish when it was created.
  4. Intent: The testator must have the intention to create a valid will, clearly outlining their wishes for the distribution of their assets upon death.

Changes to the strict compliance regime

Not too long ago, Ontario introduced "Substantial Compliance" to the SLRA under Section 21.1, which came in to effect on January 1, 2022.

Before this update, Ontario was a strict-compliance jurisdiction, meaning there was no flexibility or discretion when considering the validity of a Will. So, before January 1, 2022, if any one or more of the criteria in Section 4 of the SLRA were not satisfied, the will was considered invalid and the estate would be treated as an "intestate" estate; as if no will existed.

This update has certainly been welcome as it allows the courts to recognize documents as valid wills even if they do not strictly adhere to all formal requirements. This doctrine emphasizes the importance of testamentary intent and is aimed at preventing unjust outcomes resulting from technical deficiencies. The application of this legislative change is slowly becoming clearer as the courts deal with and address issues about validity of Wills even if they do not meet the formalities of execution.

However, seeking legal advice remains crucial to ensure that a will effectively reflects the testator's wishes and withstands potential challenges.

Lack of Legal Expertise

One of the primary drawbacks of DIY wills is the absence of legal expertise. Estate planning involves intricate legal considerations, such as the interpretation of clauses, tax implications, and potential challenges from disgruntled beneficiaries. Without professional guidance, individuals risk overlooking crucial details or using ambiguous language, leaving their intentions open to interpretation and disputes.

Holographic wills, handwritten documents not witnessed by others, pose similar risks. While they are recognized in Ontario under specific conditions, their validity can be contested more easily than formally executed wills. Ambiguities or discrepancies in handwritten wills can create uncertainty and invite litigation, potentially leading to prolonged court battles and substantial costs.

Complex Family Dynamics

Family dynamics can complicate estate planning, especially in blended families or situations involving dependents with special needs. Legal advisors can offer tailored solutions to address unique circumstances, ensuring that the testator's wishes are accurately reflected and legally enforceable. DIY approaches often lack the nuance required to navigate complex familial relationships and safeguard the interests of all parties involved.

Changing Legal Landscape

Laws governing estates and taxes may evolve over time. What constitutes a valid will or the tax implications of specific bequests could change, impacting the efficacy of DIY solutions, if drafted without up-to-date legal knowledge. By consulting with legal professionals, individuals can ensure their wills remain compliant with current legislation and aligned with their evolving intentions.

Risk of Invalidation

Perhaps the most significant risk associated with DIY wills and holographic wills is the potential for invalidation. Courts may reject improperly executed or ambiguous documents, leaving the deceased's estate subject to intestacy laws. In such cases, assets may be distributed according to default rules rather than the testator's wishes, causing undue hardship for surviving family members and beneficiaries.


While DIY wills and holographic wills may seem like cost-effective alternatives to professional legal assistance, the potential pitfalls often outweigh any perceived savings. In Ontario, where legal formalities are stringent and estate disputes can be lengthy and costly, seeking expert guidance is paramount.

By engaging with qualified estate planning attorneys, individuals can ensure their wishes are accurately documented, legally enforceable, and safeguarded against potential challenges, providing peace of mind for themselves and their loved ones.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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