In the media
New initiative set to slash costs for Queensland's
building industry
"Australian Standards set specification and design
procedures for goods, services and systems and they are essential
for compliance with the National Construction Code Requirements.
This initiative, which allows users to access Australian Standards
via their mobile, will provide significant financial relief to
those in Queensland's building and construction industry",
state QBCC Commissioner Anissa Levy (23 December 2024). Read more here.
Budget update confirms resources is key to
Queensland's economic fortunes
"With prices now falling, the best way to increase
revenue from the resources sector that will benefit all
Queenslanders is to bring more new projects online and encourage
sustained investment in existing resources projects. However, the
impact of the world's highest coal royalty tax rate in
Queensland remains a significant deterrent to investment. As the
industry has consistently pointed out, the coal sector is subject
to regular commodity cycles and we're seeing prices return to
what are considered more normal levels", stated QRC Chief
Executive Officer Jannette Hewson (23 January 2025). Read more here.
Queensland deputy premier says infrastructure projects
at risk of federal funding cuts
Queensland Deputy Premier and Infrastructure Minister
Jarrod Bleiji has issued a statement on key infrastructure projects
in Queensland being at risk due to them left off a newly revised
Infrastructure Priority List. These projects include the future
stages of the Sunshine Coast rail extension, the Mooloolah River
Interchange upgrade and improvements to the inland road network (27
January 2025). Read more here.
A Fresh Start for Queensland: Crisafulli Government
slashes red tape for teachers
The Crisafulli Government has introduced three new
"red tape" reduction methods as a way of "empower
teachers and allow them to spend more time teaching and less time
on paperwork". The first is the introduction of a one plan per
student approach. The second is to simplify procurement process by
reducing the number of quotes required for low value, routine
purchases. The final being the introduction of a single point of
contact for the teacher recruitment process (28 January 2025). Read more here.
Labour force (report) – December 2024
The Queensland Government Statistician's Office has
published its report on the labour force trends for December 2024.
The report highlights that employment in Queensland saw a rise by
9,300 persons in December 2024, bringing the total to 109,200
persons higher over the course of the year. The
employment-to-population ratio 0.1% from November, bringing it to
64.7%. Read more here...
Major projects 2024 – Report 9: 2024-25
The Queensland Audit Office has prepared a report which
examines how Queensland needs effective infrastructure investment
to support its growth over the next few decades. The report focuses
on the significant infrastructure projects in Queensland and
provides an analysis of expenditure by the Queensland Government.
Read more here..
HC issues pro bono protocol
The High Court of Australia has issued a protocol for
obtaining pro bono assistance and appointing amicus curiae. The
protocol, published on 20 December 2024 can be viewed on the High
Court of Australia's website here.
Land Title Practice Manual updated
Titles Queensland has recently updated the Land Titles
Practice manual. Some key changes include further clarifying the
requirements for an execution of an easement, clarification of the
requirements for a planning body approval in relation to easements
and easement plans and clarification that amendments to a survey
plan can only be done by the surveyor. Read more here.
JVM v Brisbane City Council & Ors [2024] QCAT 578
HUMAN RIGHTS – DISCRIMINATION LEGISLATION – GROUNDS OF DISCRIMINATION – DISABILITY OR IMPAIRMENT – where Applicant has significant disabilities – whether Applicant has attribute
HUMAN RIGHTS – DISCRIMINATION LEGISLATION – INDIRECT DISCRIMINATION – where complaint of indirect discrimination on basis of impairment – where applicant alleges inability to complete form – where applicant states need further time – whether term complained of is reasonable
HUMAN RIGHTS – DISCRIMINATION LEGISLATION – HUMAN RIGHTS LEGISLATION – whether a public entity considered the complainant's human rights when making decision – whether limits imposed on human rights are justified
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW – ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNALS – QUEENSLAND CIVIL AND ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL – common law and statutory presumption against retrospective application of legislation – where legislation was amended following referral of complaint
Bay v Australian health Practitioner Regulation Agency [2024] QSC 315
ADMINISTRATIVE LAW – JUDICIAL REVIEW – REVIEWABLE DECISIONS AND CONDUCT – DECISIONS TO WHICH JUDICIAL REVIEW LEGISLATION APPLIES – where the applicant (Dr Bay) was a registered general practitioner – where Dr Bay made various statements about COVID-19 vaccinations on Facebook and other social media platforms – where Dr Bay attended the Queensland office of the first respondent (AHPRA) to protest against AHPRA and the use of COVID-19 vaccines – where Dr Bay made various statements about COVID-19 vaccinations at a national conference attended by medical practitioners – where Dr Bay's conduct was the subject of five complaints to the Queensland Health Ombudsman which were later referred to AHPRA for consideration – where, based on the complaints, the second respondent (the Board) decided to suspend the applicant's registration as a general practitioner and to investigate the complaints (together, the decisions) pursuant to ss 156 and 160 of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Queensland) (the National Law (Qld))
Subordinate legislation notified
Plumbing and Drainage Amendment Regulation
Subordinate legislation repealed
Professional Standards (Australian Computer
Society Professional Standards Scheme) Notice 2019
This publication does not deal with every important topic or change in law and is not intended to be relied upon as a substitute for legal or other advice that may be relevant to the reader's specific circumstances. If you have found this publication of interest and would like to know more or wish to obtain legal advice relevant to your circumstances please contact one of the named individuals listed.