- What Trademarks may be registered in Nepal?
A trade mark is a mark used or proposed to be used for or in connection with goods or services to discriminate such goods or services from other goods or services. A mark can be any brand, heading text, word, sign letter, numeral, slogan, shape, color or combination of these.
- What marks may not be registered in Nepal
The following Trademarks will not be registered in Nepal:
- Trade marks that undermine the prestige of any person or organization.
- Trade Marks which are likely to prejudice the decency or morality of general public.
- Trade marks that comprises any scandalous or obscene matter;
- Undermine the national interest or the reputation of the trademark or any other person
- The mark is already registered in the name of another person;
- Any Non Traditional Trademark (NTTM) i.e., Audible Sign (Sound Mark), Olfactory mark (Smell Mark) and other Invisible signs
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have any specific questions on any legal matter, you should consult a professional legal services provider.