
The UAE has recently been making strides in the area of space exploration. The country first saw the introduction of its space agency in the year 2014; and last year, a satellite from the UAE was successfully launched into space.

UAE also has set high aspirations for the future, including sending a probe to Mars by 2021 and building a settlement there by 2117. However, as with anything new, regulations will be required to cover all aspects relating to such activities.

The UAE is currently looking at a regulation which is in the draft phase which will restrict the launching of spacecraft or satellites of any kind to the space agency alone.

Restrictions and Fines

Launching of anything into space is a prospect which is difficult and fraught with potential danger, and so the new draft legislation would completely prevent anyone from doing so. For anyone wishing to launch anything above 100km, they would require approval from the authorities; and only the most qualified of organizations and groups would likely obtain this.

Anyone or any group found to be launching objects without approval will receive a fine of between AED 100,000 to AED 10 million. A penalty of this magnitude is due to the considerable risk and danger that comes with such a project, and the UAE recognizes that only the most competent can even be permitted to proceed. Beyond the fine, offenders may also face imprisonment of up to a period of 2 years.

On top of this, there is a strict prohibition of the purchasing and selling of rocket or satellite components, as well as, the mining and sale of meteorites. The reason for this is due to scams that have arisen in the sales of meteorites, rockets, and satellite parts.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.