Artificial intelligence (AI) has captured widespread
public attention this year following ChatGPT's launch in late
2022, yet governments worldwide have pondered AI regulation for
several years. AI has powered many now-common technologies such as
search engines, navigation systems, personalized content
recommendations, and a host of business applications, and it
promises exciting new developments in perhaps every sphere of human
activity. The more popular AI has become, however, the more
apparent it is that AI presents serious risks from inaccuracy to
discrimination, and 'deepfakes' and disinformation to
undermining intellectual property (IP) rights, among many
On October 30, 2023, following months of discussions, the G7
nations (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, and the
US), as well as the EU, agreed to the voluntary Hiroshima Process
International Code of Conduct for Organizations Developing Advanced
AI Systems (the Code of Conduct). Peter J. Schildkraut and Paula
Millar, from Arnold & Porter, delve into the Code of Conduct
and explore the different approaches towards stricter AI
regulation in the EU and US.
The Code of Conduct comprises a set of relatively high-level
principles rather than concrete requirements and only applies to
developers of advanced AI systems – foundation models and
generative AI.
It also does not apply to developers of other AI systems or
businesses deploying AI systems, advanced or otherwise. Although G7
leaders are generally aligned on the need to mitigate AI's
risks and on the desirability of regulatory regimes being
interoperable across jurisdictions – that compliance with one
equates with compliance with all – the relatively restrained
ambitions of the Code of Conduct should give global businesses
little optimism that regulatory interoperability will emerge
anytime soon.
The current landscape for privacy laws, particularly within the US
but elsewhere as well, illustrates how complicated the regulatory
framework for AI might become for multinational companies to
navigate. The rapid development of privacy statutes and regulations
in the past decade has led to inconsistent requirements across
jurisdictions, creating potential confusion among both businesses
and consumers, and has diverted resources to compliance that
companies could have invested in new products and services. Some
businesses bite the bullet and expend time and resources to create
policies and procedures to manage divergent requirements across
borders. Others may self-select out of operating in certain
jurisdictions to avoid the added complexity. To keep this dynamic
from playing out in AI regulation too would require greater
willingness from governments to compromise on their regulatory
preferences than has emerged to date.
EU and US approaches
The EU and the US currently approach AI governance differently. Animated by the precautionary principle of proving new technologies are safe before letting them on the market, the EU is close to adopting its Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) – the first broad AI regulation apart from China's. Generally more reluctant to intervene absent demonstrated harms, US leaders have not kept pace with their European counterparts and seem headed towards more targeted rules. Despite consensus on the urgency of global AI rules, the EU and US approaches are difficult to harmonize beyond high-level principles.
EU approach
The EU approach to AI governance centers on the AI Act while
also building on various recent laws, most notably the General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR). The European Commission proposed the
AI Act in April 2021. The Commission and the EU's
co-legislators, the Council of the European Union, and the European
Parliament reached a political compromise among their
differing versions on December 8, 2023, although the
final text continues to be negotiated ahead of votes on
adoption in the first part of 2024.
The AI Act will regulate AI systems according to risk level and
will impose highly prescriptive rules on systems used in cases
considered to be high-risk. Providers and deployers of high-risk
systems will face numerous obligations with respect to
risk-management systems, datasets used for training, validation,
and testing, as well as recordkeeping and technical documentation
requirements. The AI Act will also mandate that high-risk systems
undergo assessments of their conformity with the Act before
providers may put them into the EU market. The AI Act will charge
the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and European
Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) with
establishing harmonized EU standards consistent with these
requirements. As adherence to the CEN/CENELEC standards will be a
safe harbor for providers and deployers of high-risk systems, these
standards should offer a pathway for companies to reduce
their compliance burden.
What the AI Act will demand of general-purpose AI systems,
foundation models, and generative AI systems was one of the last
issues on which the EU institutions reached a political compromise.
In the end, they settled on imposing additional obligations on
providers of foundation models, with tiers of requirements
depending on various criteria. Providers of all foundation models
will have to provide detailed summaries of their training data,
among other obligations. Providers of proprietary systems will face
heavier burdens than providers of free and open-source models with
publicly available parameters.
Ironically, the very prescriptiveness of the AI Act may cause
companies to treat compliance as a check-the-box exercise instead
of devoting their resources to managing risks to mitigate the harms
the regulation is supposed to prevent.
The AI Act will have a broad extraterritorial scope, sweeping into
its purview providers and deployers of AI systems regardless of
whether they are established in the EU. As a result, it is prudent
for businesses serving the EU market and selling AI-enabled
products or services, or deploying AI systems in their operations,
to prepare for compliance.
While the AI Act is expected to become law soon, its provisions
will not have effect for another six months to two years
In the meantime, European data protection authorities have been
using the GDPR to regulate AI within their jurisdictions. For
example, in March 2023, the Italian data protection authority
(Garante) banned one leading generative AI service after
determining that it did not adhere to the GDPR. The ban was lifted
several weeks later after satisfaction of the agency's
immediate conditions, but the Garante's investigation
continued. Subsequently, data protection authorities in France,
Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, and Spain acknowledged opening
their own investigations into or receiving complaints about that
service's compliance with the GDPR, and the European Data
Protection Board (EDPB) launched a task force to investigate the
service as well. Additionally, another European body – the
European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) – has a separate
task force to ensure generative AI tools adhere to the GDPR's
More broadly, the GDPR imposes a number of obligations on companies
developing or deploying AI systems – or using third-party
AI-enabled services – trained or operating on personal data.
EU data protection authorities have focused on AI over the past
year, and companies should expect this scrutiny to continue ahead
of the AI Act's enforceability.
US approach
At the federal level, the US has taken a risk-based,
sector-specific approach to AI governance, relying on
agencies to police AI under their existing legislative
authorizations. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Equal
Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau (CFPB), and the Department of Justice's Civil
Rights Division, among others, have asserted their current
authority to protect against various AI harm in the sectors they
oversee. As FTC Chair Lina Khan has explained, 'Technological
advances can deliver critical innovation – but claims of
innovation must not be cover for lawbreaking.
There is no AI exemption to the laws on the books, and the FTC will
vigorously enforce the law to combat unfair or deceptive practices
or unfair methods of competition.'
In practice, this reliance on existing, sector-specific
statutes diverges from the EU approach in two fundamental ways.
First, regulation varies across sectors in the US while the AI Act
and GDPR apply more uniformly. Of greater significance,
however, is that the existing statutes generally tell businesses
the outcomes to avoid with their AI systems (e.g., do not
discriminate unlawfully in employment or credit), but, unlike the
AI Act in particular, these US federal statutes from the pre-AI era
mostly do not detail what companies must and must not do to prevent
harmful outcomes.
Notwithstanding this sectoral approach, Washington has taken some
steps toward comprehensive AI regulation.
In October 2022, the Biden administration unveiled its Blueprint
for an AI Bill of Rights. The AI Bill of Rights set forth
five principles for developing and deploying AI systems while
protecting individual rights and society. Although these principles
are guiding various agencies in developing new, enforceable rules
under their existing statutory authorities, the AI Bill of Rights
bestows no additional enforcement power on any agency.
In another such step, the US National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) published the first version of its
Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework (AI RMF
1.0), as well as the companion AI RMF Playbook, in the first
quarter of 2023. NIST, which has no regulatory authority, designed
AI RMF 1.0 to '[b]e law- and regulation-agnostic,'
adaptable to any set of substantive requirements. Moreover, use of
AI RMF 1.0 is voluntary although there have been calls for agencies
with regulatory powers to mandate its use as they adopt new
In July 2023, the White House announced that seven leading AI
developers pledged to comply with safety commitments to prevent
harm from their systems. Eight additional tech companies signed the
commitments two months later. While framed as voluntary, having
been made publicly the commitments potentially became enforceable
by the FTC under its general authority to punish unfair or
deceptive trade practices. In somewhat analogous situations, the
FTC has sanctioned companies that failed to adhere to their
voluntarily adopted privacy policies.
Building upon the AI Bill of Rights and the voluntary safety
commitments, President Biden signed an executive order on safe,
secure, and trustworthy AI on October 30, 2023 (Executive Order),
the same day as the adoption of the G7 Code of Conduct. The
Executive Order seemingly addresses the full spectrum of challenges
wrought by AI – from national security to equity and civil
rights, privacy protection to synthetic content, competition to
criminal justice, and healthcare to human capital needs.
Asserting presidential powers under the Defense Production Act, the
Executive Order imposes reporting requirements on developers of
cutting-edge, 'dual-use' AI foundation models 'that
pose a serious risk to [national] security, national economic
security, national public health or safety, or any combination of
those matters.' Those developers will have to notify the
Government when they are training their models. They will also have
to provide the Government with the results of their safety testing
– to be performed under standards that NIST will develop
– before they release their models publicly.
Apart from these narrowly applicable mandates, the Executive Order
requires or urges various agencies to develop rules or guidance to
combat particular AI harm. Some of these efforts are ongoing,
like the FTC's 'commercial surveillance' proceeding
(which broadly addresses privacy, cybersecurity, and automated
decision-making) and the banking regulators' proposed
regulation of mortgage lenders' automated valuation models.
Others will be kick-started by the Executive Order.
Companies operating in the US should be gearing up their AI
risk-management efforts in anticipation of new rules in a
variety of sectors. On the whole, though, any new requirements will
likely be far less prescriptive than the EU AI Act. Nor should
companies expect Congress to adopt statutes with significant
numbers of detailed mandates. AI regulation has been among Senate
Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's top legislative priorities for
this session of Congress, and he is pushing his colleagues rapidly
up a steep learning curve. The end result, however, will likely
give businesses much greater flexibility in developing and
deploying AI systems than they will have in the EU. In discussing
AI regulation in September 2023, Senator Schumer cautioned that
'[i]f you go too fast, you can ruin things.' The EU went
'too fast,' he added. In one leading proposal, Senators
John Thune and Amy Klobuchar have released a bipartisan bill they
advertise as having a 'light touch' to support innovation
while still increasing transparency, accountability, and security
of higher-risk AI applications.
Hiroshima Process and Code of Conduct
Against this backdrop of differing regulatory
philosophies, G7 leaders agreed in May 2023 to create a
multilateral ministerial forum (the Hiroshima AI process) for
discussing and developing international guidelines covering
generative AI. Later that month, at the close of the fourth EU-US
Trade and Technology Council (TTC) ministerial meeting, US and EU
officials announced plans to draft a code of conduct to
propose to the G7 for potential adoption. Reportedly, the EU sought
to have the code of conduct track the AI Act's requirements,
which the US resisted.
Ultimately, what the G7 leaders agreed to on October 30, 2023, were
the Hiroshima Process International Guiding Principles for
Organizations Developing Advanced AI Systems and the Code of
Conduct, based on those principles.
The Code of Conduct, which only applies to the most advanced AI
systems, comprises a non-exhaustive list of 11 encouraged actions
for developers of these systems:
- take appropriate measures throughout the development of advanced AI systems to identify, evaluate, and mitigate risks across the AI lifecycle;
- identify and mitigate vulnerabilities, incidents, and patterns of misuse after deployment;
- publicly report advanced AI systems' capabilities, limitations, and domains of appropriate and inappropriate use, to support ensuring sufficient transparency;
- work towards responsible information sharing and reporting of incidents among organizations developing advanced AI systems;
- develop, implement, and disclose AI governance and risk-management policies grounded in a risk-based approach;
- invest in and implement robust security controls across the AI lifecycle;
- develop and deploy reliable content authentication and provenance mechanisms to enable users to identify AI-generated content;
- prioritize research to mitigate societal, safety, and security risks and prioritize investment in effective mitigation measures;
- prioritize the development of advanced AI systems to address the world's greatest challenges; advance the development and adoption of international technical standards; and
- implement appropriate data input measures and protection for personal data and IP.
The Code of Conduct itself says, 'Different jurisdictions may take their own unique approaches to implementing these actions in different ways.' In other words, beneath these high-level principles, no consensus exists on how to regulate even the most advanced AI technologies.
The bottom line
So where does this lack of consensus leave companies developing
and deploying AI systems across jurisdictions?
In the short term at least, multinational businesses will have to
comply with the most prescriptive legal mandates, or they will have
to geofence their products and services to avoid markets with
requirements they cannot meet. Putting a finer point on this
observation, US and other non-European businesses will confront a
choice between adhering to all the prescriptions of the AI Act or
being locked out of the European market. While the CEN/CENELEC
standards (once they are adopted) may ease the burden of complying,
it is doubtful they will erase it entirely. As a result, the AI Act
will probably dampen European and US innovation alike –
notwithstanding American policy preferences. European companies, of
course, will have no choice but to comply. They may find
themselves hampered in competing in other markets against
non-European companies that have chosen to forgo European sales
and, thus, can escape the AI Act's strictures.
Over the medium term, the international standards process (of which
the CEN/CENELEC process is but a component) may produce harmony at
a technical level that has been absent so far at the political
level. Widely accepted international standards for 'safe,
secure, and trustworthy AI' (language used in both the US
Executive Order and the G7 documents) could level the compliance
burdens across jurisdictions.
Alternatively, greater experience or philosophical shifts in one
jurisdiction or another could forge a deeper political consensus in
the G7 than currently exists and yield truly interoperable
regulation. In the meantime, however, companies developing and
deploying AI systems need risk-management programs capable of
satisfying all the requirements of the various jurisdictions in
which they operate.
*This article was first published in OneTrust DataGuidance on December 8, 2023.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.