The integrity and transparency of any democratic system hinge on the constitutional framework 1 governing its electoral process. Over the past two decades of Nigeria's Fourth Republic, the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria ("Constitution") has undergone numerous amendments to adapt to the evolving needs of the nation. Among these amendments, the ifth th (5 ) Alteration of the Constitution, Bill No. 22, 2022 ("the Bill"), signed into law by the former th president of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari, on 17 March 2023, stands out. This Bill introduced a 2 signiicant change by excluding intervening events from the computation of time for determining pre-election matters, election petitions, and appeals arising therefrom. Thisholds paramount importance in shaping the practice and procedures involved in conducting pre-election and election matters in the Nigerian electoral process. Recognizing the need for continuous improvement in the adjudication of electoral matters in Nigeria, this article aims to provide an analysis of intervening events, the implications, and potential challenges brought forth by Bill No. 22, 2022.
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Originally published on 26 September 2023
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