7 July 2021

Let's Talk About Jersey Economic Substance: Fund Management Business

Jersey is a popular place to establish an asset holding company because its corporate law is modern, flexible and modelled on English companies legislation.
Jersey Finance and Banking

Jersey is a popular place to establish an asset holding company because its corporate law is modern, flexible and modelled on English companies legislation.

Jersey introduced the Substance Law to require Jersey companies which carry on particular activities (called relevant activities) to have economic substance in Jersey.

This guide looks at the key things you need to know about the Jersey economic substance requirements that apply to companies which carry on fund management business.

For a high-level overview of the economic substance requirements in each of our offshore jurisdictions (BVI, Cayman, Guernsey and Jersey), please view our fact sheet which is accessible from this page.

Words in bold text are defined at the end of this guide.

Why was the Substance Law introduced?

As a part of its base erosion and profit sharing (or BEPS) initiative, the European Union required OFCs, like Jersey, to introduce legislation which seeks to ensure that the OFC does not facilitate structures that generate profits which do not reflect real economic activity in the OFC.

To avoid being placed on the European Union blacklist of non-compliant jurisdictions, Jersey introduced the Substance Law which came into force on 1 January 2019.

The Substance Law is supported by the Guidance published by the Comptroller which is periodically revised.

Fund management business

The essential feature of a company which carries on fund management business is that it provides fund management services to a collective investment fund (whether or not the collective investment fund is regulated) concerning its investment and risk decisions.

The Guidance makes it clear that fund management business does not include other services that are provided to a collective investment fund, like administration, advisory or custodial services.

A company which carries on fund management business in a financial period must comply with the substance requirements if it:

  • is a tax resident company; and
  • earns gross income from carrying on that relevant activity in that financial period.

The Substance Law looks at gross income earned from carrying on a relevant activity, not accounting or taxable income or profit.

A company will not carry on fund management business in a financial period if it:

  • does not earn any gross income from carrying on fund management business; or
  • is not a tax resident company.

Substance requirements

If a company earns gross income from carrying on fund management business in a financial period, it must satisfy the following substance requirements:

  • be directed and managed from Jersey;
  • (having regard to the level activity carried on by it):
    • have an adequate number of employees physically present in Jersey (whether employed by it or by another person);
    • incur adequate expenditure in Jersey; and
    • have adequate physical assets in Jersey;
  • carry on all of its CIGAs in Jersey; and
  • (to the extent any of its CIGAs is carried out for it in Jersey by another person (like a corporate services provider)) be able to monitor and control in Jersey the carrying out of those CIGAs.

Direction and management

To satisfy the requirement to be directed and managed in Jersey, the Substance Law requires a company to ensure that:

  • its board of directors meets in Jersey at an adequate frequency having regard to the amount of decision making required at board level;
  • at each board meeting there is a quorum of directors physically present in Jersey;
  • the minutes of each board meeting record the strategic decisions made by the board at that meeting;
  • its directors have the necessary knowledge and expertise to discharge the duties of the board; and
  • the minutes of all board meetings and the records of the company are kept in Jersey.

The Guidance states that:

  • the requirement to be directed and managed in Jersey is designed to ensure that an adequate number of a board meetings is held in Jersey;
  • what constitutes an adequate number will depend on the activities of the company;
  • the quorum for a board meeting will be determined in accordance with the company's articles of association;
  • it is expected that even a company with minimal activity will hold at least one board meeting in Jersey each year; and
  • where a company has a corporate director, it is necessary to look through the corporate director to the individuals who actually perform duties on behalf of the corporate director.

It is important to note that not all:

  • board meetings need to be held in Jersey (only a majority of meetings); and
  • directors need to be physically present in Jersey at each board meeting (only a quorum of directors).

If a company has a sole director, the sole director will need to record decisions regarding the management of the company's business in writing. The Guidance states that a sole director must be physically present in Jersey when the sole director makes decisions and records them in writing.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Comptroller has published a concession which temporarily relaxes the requirement to be directed and managed in Jersey. The concession:

  • allows a company to adjust its normal operating practices regarding board meetings to mitigate the threats posed by the coronavirus pandemic; and
  • means that a company will not be considered to fail to satisfy the requirement to be directed and managed in Jersey if, for example, it has non-resident directors who are unable to travel to Jersey to attend board meetings.

The concession warns that a company seeking to rely on it:

  • must keep sufficient records which show the changes made to its normal operating practices and the reasons for making those changes; and
  • will be required to disclose to the Comptroller those records to enable to the Comptroller to determine whether the concession applies.

Adequate employees, expenditure and assets

What is adequate?

Although the Substance Law does not define what is meant by adequate, the Guidance states that it should be given its ordinary meaning of enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose.

The Guidance adds that:

  • what is adequate for a company is dependent on the particular facts of the company and its level of business activity; and
  • a company should keep appropriate records to demonstrate adequacy.


The Guidance states that for the purposes of the requirement to have adequate number of employees physically present in Jersey:

  • employees includes directors and employees of any person to whom any activity (including any CIGA) has been outsourced;
  • the requirement looks at the number of employees necessary to carry out a relevant activity as a whole and not just the CIGAs for that relevant activity;
  • the better qualified the employees, the fewer of them may be needed; and
  • the number of employees is calculated on a full time equivalent basis of a 35 hour working week.

Expenditure and assets

Neither the Substance Law nor the Guidance currently gives any direct guidance on satisfying the requirements to incur adequate expenditure, and to have adequate physical assets, in Jersey.

Despite this, based on the general tenor of the Guidance, it is reasonable to expect that:

  • what constitutes adequate expenditure, and adequate physical assets, in Jersey will depend on the level of activity of the company;
  • the Substance Law does not require a company to incur more expenditure than is reasonably necessary to efficiently carry on a relevant activity;
  • expenditure will only be taken into account if it is incurred to carry on a relevant activity; and
  • where a company outsources any activity in accordance with the Substance Law and the Guidance, the expenditure incurred on the outsourcing will be taken into account.


The essence of a CIGA is that it is a key essential and valuable activity that generates a company's income. In the case of a company carrying on fund management business, the Substance Law states that its CIGAs include:

  • taking decisions on the holding and selling of investments;
  • calculating risk (including market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk and operational risk) and reserves;
  • taking decisions on currency or interest fluctuations and hedging positions; and
  • preparing reports and returns to investors and the Jersey Financial Services Commission or any body or entity with equivalent functions relating to the supervision or regulation of that business.

The Substance Law allows a company to outsource (whether to a related party or a third party) some or all of its CIGAs, however, if it does so, it must be able to show that it exercises in Jersey adequate supervision of those CIGAs.

The Guidance states that:

  • it is not necessary for a company to carry on each CIGA listed in the Substance Law, but each CIGA it carries on must be performed in Jersey;
  • taking decisions regarding CIGA outside Jersey will generally indicate that CIGA is carried on outside Jersey, however, a company may take isolated decisions regarding CIGA outside Jersey if it can show that the quality and quantity of decisions taken, and CIGAs carried on, in Jersey clearly outweigh any decisions regarding CIGA taken outside Jersey; and
  • the substance requirements do not prevent a company from seeking expert professional advice or engaging the services of a specialist in a jurisdiction outside Jersey.

Practical steps

The practical steps a company which carries on fund management business can take to show that it satisfies the substance requirements include the following.

Direction and management

In the case of the directed and managed requirement, the steps include to:

  • ensure that at each of the company's board meetings there is a quorum of directors physically present in Jersey unless there are exceptional circumstances which prevent it;
  • consider appointing one or two Jersey based directors;
  • ensure that all strategic decisions concerning the company's business are made at board level; and
  • ensure that the minutes of each board meeting:
    • record the location of each director at the time of the meeting;
    • accurately record the strategic decisions taken at the meeting; and
    • are kept at the company's registered office in Jersey.

Employees, expenditure and CIGA

In the case of the employee, expenditure and CIGA requirements, the steps include to:

  • appoint a Jersey corporate services provider which provides the company with a range of services which could include:
    • a Jersey registered office address (including facilities to hold board meetings);
    • a Jersey company secretary;
    • Jersey based directors; and
    • corporate services like accounting and/or cash management services;
  • hold a bank account in Jersey;
  • hold the majority of the company's board meetings with a quorum of directors physically present in Jersey;
  • appoint a Jersey based auditor if the company is required, or wishes, to have its financial statements audited;
  • keep records that allow the company to show (with reasonably accuracy) the number of its employees, the amount of expenditure incurred by the company and the CIGAs carried on by it, in Jersey; and
  • include in any contract with a corporate services provider an obligation for the corporate services provider to provide the company (in reasonable detail) with any information the company may reasonably require to show that it complies with the substance requirements.


The Comptroller must determine whether a company has satisfied the applicable economic substance requirements for any relevant activity carried on by it in a financial period.

To allow the Comptroller to do so, a company must file an annual tax return online which provides information that addresses the applicable economic substance requirements for each relevant activity.

The information which a company must provided in its tax return, includes:

  • each relevant activity carried on by it;
  • its gross income from each relevant activity;
  • the operating expenditure incurred by it on each relevant activity;
  • its CIGAs for each relevant activity;
  • details of its premises in Jersey;
  • the number of board meetings held at which a quorum was present in Jersey; and
  • the number of its qualified employees in Jersey.

A tax return must be accompanied by a copy of the company's financial statements for the relevant financial period.

A company must provide the Comptroller with any information reasonably required by the Comptroller to assess whether it has complied with the applicable economic substance requirements.


The Substance Law imposes a number of penalties for failure to comply with its requirements. For more information on this topic, see our guide Enforcement and sanctions regime.

Terms used

CIF Law means the Collective Investment Funds (Jersey) Law 1988.

CIGA means a core income generating activity.

Comptroller means the Jersey Comptroller of Revenue.

financial period means a period of up to 18 months for which a company's financial statements are prepared.

Financial Services Law means the Financial Services (Jersey) Law 1998.

fund management business means the business of being a person which:

  • is licensed under the CIF Law to act as a manager or an investment manager of a collective investment fund;
  • is licensed under the Financial Services Law to act as:
    • a manager or an investment manager of a collective investment fund; or
    • a trustee or member of a partnership of an unclassified fund or unregulated fund unless a separate manager has been appointed to the unclassified fund or unregulated fund;
  • acts as a trustee of a unit trust or general partner of a limited partnership that is an unregulated fund and is exempt from registration under the Financial Services Law, unless a separate manager has been appointed to the unregulated fund; or
  • would fall under either of two immediately preceding bullet points abovein respect of a scheme which would be a collective investment fund under the CIF Law if there had been an offer to the public (ie to more than 50 people) of units in the scheme.

Guidance means the documents entitled:

  • Key aspects in relation to the economic substance requirements, as issued by Guernsey, Isle of Man and Jersey, version 2 dated 21 December 2018; and
  • Guidance on aspects in relation to the economic substance requirements issued by Guernsey, Isle of Man and Jersey, version 2 dated 22 November 2019.

OFC means an offshore financial centre.

relevant activity means banking business, distribution and service centre business, fund management business, finance and leasing business, headquarters business, holding company business, intellectual property holding business, insurance business or shipping business.

Substance Law means the Taxation (Companies - Economic Substance) (Jersey) Law 2019.

substance requirements means the requirements of the Substance Law that apply to fund management business which are set out under the paragraph headed Substance requirements above.

Tax Law means the Income Tax (Jersey) Law 1961.

tax resident company means a Jersey company that is regarded as tax resident in Jersey under the Tax Law. A Jersey company is regarded as tax resident in Jersey under the Tax Law unless:

  • its business is centrally managed and controlled outside Jersey in a jurisdiction where the highest rate at which any company may be charged to tax on any part of its income is 10% or higher; and
  • the company is resident for tax purposes in that jurisdiction.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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