The MSE has appointed a new Board of Directors that will serve to sustain Malta's economic growth through MSE's initiatives. One of the MSE's current strategic objectives is that of strengthening and expanding its regional presence.
On a courtesy visit paid to MSE, Malta finance minister Prof. Edward Scicluna highlighted the MSE's important role, particularly in providing an alternative access route to funding for local enterprises. He referred to the European Commission's country-specific recommendations for Malta, including Malta's need to improve access to finance for SMEs.
According to the minister, getting listed on the MSE should be one of the measures taken by SMEs in sourcing alternative access to funding. The MSE's positioning in this respect is pivotal. The minister pointed out that Malta's continued increase in company formations, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and the desired growth of the financial services sector all need to be sustained through supporting local businesses and there are many ways how the MSE can contribute towards this.
Further on throughout his visit, the minister directed his attention towards the staff and referred to the team as the MSE's most valuable effort in the organisation's success.
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