- What Trademarks may be registered in Pakistan?
A trade mark is a mark used or proposed to be used for or in connection with goods or services to discriminate such goods or services from other goods or services. A mark can comprise of words, names, devices, certain three dimensional-shapes, colors, slogans, sounds, trade-dress/get-up, etc.
To register the mark as a Trade mark, the mark must meet the following requirements:
- It must be distinctive and not descriptive in respect of its goods and services.
- It must not be indistinguishable or similar to a mark previously registered or any pending prior application for registration.
- Marks that cannot be registered as trademarks in Pakistan
The following marks may not be considered registrable:
- Marks contrary to moral standards or public order.
- Names, flags, official symbol of any state, or a nation, or territories.
- Marks that are capable of hurting the religious or racial susceptibilities of any class of citizens in Pakistan.
- Marks that comprises any scandalous or obscene matter;
- Marks contrary to any law, for the time being in force or morality.
- Marks that have been applied for in bad faith.
- No trademark be registered in respect of chemical substances or preparations if it uses the name of a chemical element or a single chemical compound distinguished from a mixture or declared by the WHO as an international non-proprietary name.
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without first seeking legal advice. This material is intended for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. If you
have any specific questions on any legal matter, you should consult a professional legal services provider.