On August 7, 2024, the Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division (the "MED") issued emergency rules, effective immediately, to implement Colorado Senate Bill 24-076.
Of particular significance are the following:
- State license renewals are now for two years instead of one (note that this change has no effect on local jurisdiction licensing, which for almost all jurisdictions is one year). License renewal fees have increased accordingly.
- Approval from the MED is no longer required for modification of premises. Instead, at the biennial license renewal, a licensee must include the revised floor plan, along with information demonstrating local approval of the modification. Again, note that this rule has no effect on local approvals.
- Retail stores may sell food that is not infused with marijuana. A store's annual gross revenues from the sale of food must not exceed 20% of the store's total annual gross revenues. Most local jurisdictions require a separate license for the sale of food.
See the MED's Industry Bulletin 24-05 for more information. The emergency rules can be found here.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.