Our webinar will reflect on major competition law developments in Turkey in 2023. We will focus on the following three issues:
- Labor markets - No-poaching agreements.
Parallel to the global trend, the Turkish Competition Authority
(TCA) has increased the antitrust scrutiny of the labor markets. In
June 2023 the investigation involving 49 undertakings operating in
diverse sectors was concluded with fines for 16 undertakings for
entering into no-poaching agreements, whereas 11 undertakings
agreed to settle. We will address main concerns and TCA's
approach to anticompetitive no-poaching agreements.
- Merger control - Technology undertaking
exception.A special local turnover threshold exception
introduced for the notification of concentrations involving
technology undertakings and aimed at catching the killer
acquisitions deserves a special attention. Although the
implementation of this rule is rather new and the boundaries of
"technology undertaking" are not crystal clear, there are
several landmark decisions (including gun-jumping) starting to form
the case law. We will elaborate on the exception along with the
case law to give some guidance on how to address the Turkish
notification process of mergers with technology dimension and stay
fully compliant with the merger control rules.
- Digital markets - DMA-like amendments. Similar to its counterparts around the world, the TCA has displayed a remarkable level of interest in addressing competition concerns in the digital markets. We will go through the draft DMA-like amendments to the Turkish Competition Law underlining main differences and similarities with the EU rules.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.