Exporting goods from Egypt can be a lucrative opportunity for businesses, but it also comes with a set of regulations and requirements that must be navigated carefully. Whether you are a seasoned exporter or new to the process, understanding the necessary steps and guidelines is essential to ensuring a successful and compliant export operation. In this article, we will provide an overview of the key aspects of exporting from Egypt, including the export licensing process, relevant regulations, and the systematic procedures involved.
In Egypt, the law that outlines terms and conditions for conducting export activities is Import and Export Regulations Law No.118 of the year 1975 and its Executive Regulation No.770 of the year 2005. Additionally, the Egyptian Organization for Export and Import Control (GOEIC) is the responsible authority to issue, amend, and renew all required export licenses as authorized by law and its Executive Regulation.
Export activities in Egypt cannot be undertaken without prior registration in the relevant registers, the Exporters' Register as mentioned in Article No.4 of Law No.118 of the year 1975 that stipulates: "Export might only be practiced by someone whose name is registered in the register prepared for this purpose (Exporters register) at the Ministry of Commerce. Anyone whose name is registered in the exporters register is required to be from one of the following categories:
- Joint stock companies that have the nationality of the Arab Republic of Egypt and whose head office is located there.
- Public institutions, cooperative societies, and their unions.
- Individuals and companies who meet the conditions stipulated by a Decision issued by the Minister of Commerce.
Anyone who exports goods for personal use is excluded from registration in the Exporters' Register."
On the other side, both individual entities and companies must meet the following essential requirements and terms before submitting their application for registering in the exporter register:
First: Regarding individual establishment:
- Registered in the Commercial Register;
- The capital certified in the commercial register shall not be less than LE.10,000 for production enterprises and LE. 25,000 for other enterprises;
- The exporter shall not have been convicted on a felony charge or inflicted a freedom-restricting penalty for crimes involving dishonor or dishonesty;
- He shall not have been legally declared bankrupt unless he has been rehabilitated;
- He shall not be a civil servant or a public sector employee;
- The exporter shall duly obtain an export practice certificate either from the Foreign Trade Training Center at the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Industry; and
- The Minister of Commerce and Industry has not decided to suspend the facility for one year or cancel its registration for 3 years due to the exporter committing one of the violations mentioned in Articles 63-62 of Regulations No. 770 of 2005.
Second: Regarding Companies:
- Partners in joint liability companies and limited partnerships as well as officials charged to manage other corporations shall have to meet the following:
- The exporter shall not have been convicted on a felony charge or inflicted a freedom-restricting penalty for crimes involving dishonor or dishonesty;
- He shall not have been legally declared bankrupt unless he has been rehabilitated;
- He shall not be a civil servant or a public sector employee; and
- The Minister of Commerce and Industry has not decided to suspend the facility for one year or cancel its registration for 3 years due to the exporter committing one of the violations mentioned in Articles 63-62 of Regulation No. 770 of 2005.
- The company shall be registered in the commercial register.
- The company shall have exportation as one of its activity purposes. In case the company is incorporated under the Investment Law No. 72 of the year 2017, the activity shall not be specified by category.
- The company's capital certified in the Commercial Register shall not be less than LE.20,000 for production enterprises and LE.50,000 for other activities.
Third: Regarding Foreign Companies' Branches:
- The company's branch office shall be registered in the Commercial Register.
- The company shall have exportation as among its activity purposes. In case the company is incorporated under the Investment Law No. 72 of the year 2017, the activity shall not be specified by category.
- The branch office manager or those responsible for exportation shall have to meet the following requirements:
- The exporter shall not have been convicted on a felony charge or inflicted a freedom-restricting penalty for crimes involving dishonor or dishonesty;
- He shall not have been legally declared bankrupt unless he has been rehabilitated;
- He shall not be a civil servant or a public sector employee; and
- The Minister of Commerce and Industry has not decided to suspend the facility for one year or cancel its registration for 3 years due to the exporter committing one of the violations mentioned in Articles 63-62 of Regulation No. 770 of 2005.
The following are the main required documents for registering in the Exporters' Registry as per the Egyptian Organization for Export and Import Control (GOEIC), as there are more documents, which may be required as they differ according to the kind of facility:
- An official extract from the Commercial Register of the company, valid and recent, not been issued for more than 90 days;
- A copy of the company's valid tax card and the original for review;
- A tax data document if the company has not yet issued a tax card;
- A copy of the national ID card or passport of the founder/authorized representative person (if any) and the original for review;
- Original export practice certificate; and
- If the applicant for registration is an authorized representative, he must submit the following:
- A copy of the national ID/passport and the original for review
- A copy of the power of attorney and the original for review (only up to a second proxy is accepted) or original delegation with bank signature
The validity period of the registration is five years and the registration is renewed from the date of registration or the date of the last renewal.
Registration Procedure:
To register with the Egyptian Organization for Export and Import Control (GOEIC), the applicant must first book an appointment through their online portal. Next, submit the required documents listed above. GOEIC will review the submitted documents and determine the applicable fees. Following this, a financial and technical audit will be conducted, and the exporter's record card information will be recorded. Once the process is complete, the applicant can verify and receive the registration card.
In conclusion, exporting goods from Egypt requires careful navigation among a comprehensive set of regulations and procedures. Understanding and properly navigating these regulations is crucial for businesses seeking to capitalize on the opportunities of exporting from Egypt. By following the established processes, exporters can ensure their operations are compliant and positioned for success in the Egyptian market.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.