6 January 2021

Restructuring Review 2021



Campbells is a leading offshore law firm providing advice and services in relation to Cayman Islands and British Virgin Islands law. We are regularly trusted to advise some of the most prominent names in finance, investment and insurance and we are frequently involved in the largest and most complex transactions, disputes and insolvencies in both jurisdictions.
The first part of this chapter looks at the key aspects of the successful Cayman Islands restructuring regime.
Cayman Islands Insolvency/Bankruptcy/Re-Structuring

In summary

The first part of this chapter looks at the key aspects of the successful Cayman Islands restructuring regime. The second part reflects on the validation of transactions after a winding-up petition has been presented and the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal's recent guidance in that area.

Discussion points

  • Schemes of arrangement
  • Provisional liquidations
  • Statutory moratoriums
  • Creditors' meetings
  • Centre of main interests shifting
  • The rule in Gibbs
  • 'Friendly' creditors' petitions
  • Validation of post-petition transactions

Referenced in this article

  • Ocean Rig [ref]
  • Anthony Gibbs & Sons v La Societe Industrielle et Commerciale des Metaux (1890) 25 QBD 399
  • LDK Solar [ref]
  • 104(3)(b) of the Companies Law
  • CW Group Holdings (unreported, 3 August 2018, Parker J)
  • Re Emmadart Ltd [1979] 1 Ch. 540
  • Re China Shanshui Cement Group Limited [2015 (2) CILR 255]
  • Re CHC Group Ltd (unreported, 24 January 2017, McMillan J),
  • Tianrui (International) Holding Company Limited v China Shanshui Cement Group Limited [ref]
  • Burton v Deakin Ltd [1977] 1 WLR 309


The Cayman Islands continues to be at the forefront of developments in restructuring and insolvency law offshore and among common law jurisdictions. As the world continues to grapple with the human cost and economic effects of covid-19, many companies have chosen the Cayman Islands as an effective and efficient jurisdiction to restructure their debt and many investors have sought remedies from the Cayman courts in relation to insolvent or even fraudulent businesses. Campbells have been instructed in the most significant recent restructuring and liquidation matters to come before the Cayman Islands courts including Luckin Coffee, Abraaj, Green Dragon and the Biscayne Group.

This chapter is in two parts. In the first part we consider the Cayman restructuring regime and why it has been so successful in recent years. In the second part we review a recent Cayman Islands Court of Appeal decision that examines one of the key parts of the Cayman insolvency regime: the effective prohibition on post-petition transfers of assets or shares.

Restructuring in the Cayman Islands

Why the Cayman Islands?

The Cayman Islands has proved to be an attractive restructuring jurisdiction, not least because the Cayman courts have considerable experience with efficient management of large debt restructurings. Common law principles apply, which will be familiar to practitioners in jurisdictions such as England, Hong Kong and Singapore. Debt restructurings in the Cayman Islands often involve cross-border issues and there is a wealth of precedent for successful applications for recognition under Chapter 15.

Debt can be restructured in the Cayman Islands in relation to Cayman companies, as well as foreign companies that are redomiciled to, or registered as foreign companies in, the Islands for the specific purpose of restructuring debt.

For example, Ocean Rig, the oil services group, recently transferred and shifted the centre of main interests (COMI) for four group companies from the Marshall Islands to the Cayman Islands and successfully restructured over US$3.6 billion of debt through four interrelated Cayman schemes of arrangement. The COMI shift was necessary for the successful application for Chapter 15 recognition.


The principal debt (and equity) restructuring tool in the Cayman Islands is the scheme of arrangement under section 86 of the Companies Law (2020 Revision) (the Law). Cayman schemes are based on English schemes and so the law, and at least some of the procedure, will be familiar to practitioners experienced in English restructurings. The scheme process is a court process that is initiated by the filing of a scheme petition. There is then a directions hearing for the purpose of ordering the convening of scheme meetings, followed by one or more meetings where creditors consider and vote on the restructuring plan, and (if approved at all meetings) a second hearing where the court considers whether or not to sanction the scheme. If sanction is granted by the court, the scheme takes effect on the filing of the order and the scheme terms are then implemented, usually without further reference to the court.

For group debt, each individual company with debt that needs to be restructured must be the subject of separate scheme proceedings and meetings. In order to streamline the process, however, the Cayman court manages the related proceedings together. Scheme terms are often inter-conditional, so one does not take effect unless all are sanctioned by the court. The restructuring can be completed quickly. It is possible for the process, from filing of the scheme petition to sanction being granted, to be completed in 12 weeks. The more complex the scheme or the more vocal any dissent, the more likely that the process will run its course over a longer period of time.

Breathing room

Schemes in the Cayman Islands often take place within a provisional liquidation in order to take advantage of the statutory moratorium on claims that arises once provisional liquidators are appointed. The moratorium prevents creditors seeking to wind up or bring any claim against the company in the jurisdiction. A winding-up petition must be presented alongside directions adjourning the hearing of the petition and an application by the company for an order appointing provisional liquidators, on the grounds that the company is or is likely to become unable to pay its debts (on a cash flow basis) and intends to present a compromise or arrangement to its creditors. The provisional liquidators' powers are derived from the order appointing them and their function is to act as restructuring officers in substance but not in name (but see further below). In some cases, they are given full powers by the court and effectively displace the directors for the duration of the restructuring. In others, they are given 'light-touch' powers and work alongside or oversee the directors in promoting the restructuring.

The moratorium provides breathing space for the company to negotiate or continue negotiations with key creditors for the purposes of developing and drawing up a restructuring plan. It is only once that plan is fully formed that a scheme petition can be presented to the court. Once the court approves the scheme, the provisional liquidators are discharged and (subject to the scheme terms) the winding-up petition is dismissed and the company continues as a going concern.

A bill is currently being considered by the legislature that would amend the law so that a winding-up petition will no longer be needed to take advantage of a moratorium. A company looking to restructure its debt would instead be able to present a petition seeking the appointment of restructuring officers (as opposed to provisional liquidators) and a moratorium on claims against the company would arise on presentation of that petition (rather than on the appointment of the officeholders).

Creditors' meetings

The creditors' meetings are central to the scheme process. Dissenting creditors in a given class can be crammed down by the majority, but approval must be obtained at all meetings convened in respect of a given scheme company. There is no cross-class cramdown. The threshold for approval at any given meeting is a majority by number and 75 per cent by value, although this takes into account only the votes actually cast in person or by proxy (and not the whole body of creditors if some did not vote). As turnouts at meetings can be low, it is possible to obtain approval with votes representing a minority of the issued debt.

Dissenting creditors who are outvoted at a class meeting may seek to challenge the restructuring at one or both of the two court hearings, principally on the bases that the classes were not properly constituted or that the scheme was unfair because the majority did not act in good faith or did not fairly represent the views of the class.

COMI shifting

As noted above, the attractiveness of the Cayman Islands for restructuring has led to instances where companies and groups of companies have shifted their COMI to the Cayman Islands for the purpose of restructuring debt.

In order for the Cayman court to have jurisdiction over a foreign company whose debt is to be restructured, it may need to be re-domiciled or registered as a foreign company:

If a company is solvent, it may be possible to re-domicile the company to the Cayman Islands using a process known as a 'transfer by continuation'. This is a swift and administrative process, but it must be possible under the laws of the company's existing jurisdiction. In the recent Ocean Rig restructuring, one of four Marshall Islands companies was continued in the Cayman Islands as a Cayman company. If a company is insolvent or of doubtful solvency, it cannot be transferred by continuation but it may still be registered in the Cayman Islands as a foreign company. That is sufficient for the Cayman court to have jurisdiction for the steps set out above. In Ocean Rig, the other three Marshall Islands companies were registered as foreign companies in Cayman.

Re-domiciling the company or registering it as a foreign company is relevant to a Cayman court's jurisdiction, but additional steps are required to shift COMI for the purposes of any future Chapter 15 application, including (for example) holding company meetings in the Cayman Islands.

Most companies trading internationally will have assets or some form of corporate presence in a number of jurisdictions. The long-standing rule in Gibbs (see Anthony Gibbs & Sons v La Societe Industrielle et Commerciale des Metaux (1890) 25 QBD 399) requires that debts are compromised in the jurisdiction of the obligation. A single-jurisdiction solution will not protect a corporate group with an international presence from adverse creditor action in every jurisdiction. In those cases, a coordinated approach between restructuring advisers in multiple jurisdictions may be necessary to achieve effective protection.

In the LDK Solar case, a major producer of photovoltaic products, a successful restructuring of substantial debt was achieved through two Cayman schemes of arrangement, three Hong Kong schemes of arrangement, Chapter 15 recognition of the schemes and Chapter 11 plans of reorganisation with respect to US subsidiaries.

In these uncertain times, it may not necessarily be the case that the need to restructure debt was foreseen and there may not be firm proposals in place for the compromise or arrangement to be offered to creditors. However, it is clear from the language in section 104(3)(b) of the Companies Law that the court may appoint provisional liquidators even where there are no fully formulated restructuring plans, as was the case, for example, in CW Group Holdings (unreported, 3 August 2018, Parker J). In that case, consistent with the approach of the court in various previous cases, provisional liquidators were appointed on a light-touch basis to work with existing management in formulating the details of a proposal to creditors.

For those without a firm proposal to put to creditors already in place, the provisional liquidation process provides a flexible mechanism for securing the breathing space necessary to work with advisers in formulating a restructuring plan. The interests of creditors are protected by the appointment of court-supervised, independent fiduciaries, the extent of whose precise powers are determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the circumstances. In ordinary circumstances, the question as to whether a company should take steps to place itself into a liquidation process is a matter for the shareholders in a general meeting. Directors of a company cannot present a petition in the name of the company without the assent of the shareholders, unless the company is incorporated after 1 March 2009 and its articles expressly authorise the directors to petition without the shareholders' approval (see Re Emmadart Ltd [1979] 1 Ch. 540 and Re China Shanshui Cement Group Limited [2015] (2) CILR 255.

However, in circumstances where shareholder assent cannot (or cannot easily) be obtained, a practice has developed by which a creditor is encouraged to present a creditor's petition for liquidation so that the company may then make a cross-application for the appointment of provisional liquidators for the purpose of a restructuring. This approach received judicial approval in the case of Re CHC Group Ltd (unreported, 24 January 2017, McMillan J), which provides further confirmation of the flexibility of the restructuring regime in Cayman and the pragmatic approach of the Cayman judiciary.

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Originally published by Global Restructuring Review – The Americas Restructuring Review 2021 – Cayman Islands chapter.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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