We are an international law firm with a focus on private capital, at the intersection of personal, family and business. We have a broad range of skills and collective legal expertise and experience with an international outlook across the full spectrum of business and personal needs. Our firm is headquartered in London with offices across the UK, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. Whether your business operates in a single country or across borders, we’ll put together your perfect team – pulling from our sector and geographical expertise and our partnerships with the best law firms across the world covering 200 legal jurisdictions.
CMA proposing to refer construction materials merger
The CMA is proposing to refer Breedon's purchase of
certain Cemex assets, as it considers the merger raises competition
concerns in the supply of building materials in some parts of the
UK. Click here.
Supreme Court hands down judgment in Unwired Planet standard
essential patents case
The Supreme Court has handed down its judgment in the Unwired
Planet standard essential patents case, finding that Unwired Planet
did not abuse a dominant position when it sought an injunction
against Huawei's use of its patents. Click here.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general
guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought
about your specific circumstances.