Following the 109th meeting of the Federal Territory Syarak Law Consultative Committee on 31 July 2018, the Mufti for the Federal Territories, issued a fatwa on 1 June 2021 under P.U.(B) 316/2021, ruling that the payment of Zakat pendapatan (i.e. annual tax on the income of Muslims to aid poor people in the Muslim community) is to be paid based on the state where an individual works, rather than the state where that individual resides. For example, if an individual works in Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur but resides in Selangor, his/her Zakat pendapatan is to be paid in Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur.
Zakat pendapatan is a compulsory annual tax on the income of Muslims which has to be paid every year to the Zakat Collection Centre in the various states. The rate of Zakat pendapatan is 2.5% per annum in all states throughout Malaysia.
Although this fatwa does not change the 2.5% annual payment rate of Zakat pendapatan, it does however direct the payment of the same to the Zakat Collection Centre in the state where an individual works. This fatwa is seen to be in line with the view of Muslim scholars who believe that the poor people living in a particular state where an individual works should be the main beneficiaries of the assistance of his/her fellow Muslims working and earning in their state.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.