14 October 2019

Inside track: Transport, Shipping & Logistics - In the media, reports, and legislation

Holding Redlich


Holding Redlich, a national commercial law firm with offices in Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane, and Cairns, delivers tailored solutions with expert legal thinking and industry knowledge, prioritizing client partnerships.
This newsletter links to recent media releases, reports and legislation relating to transport, shipping & logistics.
Australia Transport

In the media

Sims trains spotlight on freight regulation reform
ACCC backs independent setting of heavy vehicle charges if changes are agreed. Heavy vehicle charges are to be set on an independent basis. It has been suggested that the ACCC takes this role (30 September 2019). More...

Vehicle standards reform presents opportunity to transform PBS scheme
A revamped Performance-Based Standards scheme that focuses on flexibility and continued innovation should be a central part of reforms to the Heavy Vehicle National Law according to the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (30 September 2019). More...

Interest in EWDs growing: NHVR
The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator is assessing a number of applications for approval as Electronic Work Diaries (30 September 2019). More...

NHVR flags EWD application review progress
The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) says it is eager to have the first qualified Electronic Work Diary (EWD) system available to market – but not before some kinks are ironed out from applications currently being assessed for approval (01 October 2019). More...

Austroads supports increasing heavy vehicle widths to 2550mm
Austroads has completed a study considering the optimum heavy freight vehicle dimensions in Australia. The evidence supports increasing the maximum allowable heavy freight vehicle width from 2500 mm to 2550 mm (including attachments) (25 September 2019). More...

PAL system lifts cattle unloading safety and efficiency
The trial of a revolutionary parallel access landing (PAL) platform at Kilcoy Global Foods in Queensland is revealing remarkable improvements in safety and productivity for B-double stock crate operators unloading cattle at the facility (24 September 2019). More...

Livestock safety boost as unloading frame trial underway
The Coalition Government provided $3.9 million in funding to support Round 2 of the Heavy Vehicle Safety Initiative program. $102,000 of that will allow the Australian Livestock Rural Transporters Association to conduct a feasibility study into user-pay unloading infrastructure at a major Australian livestock processing facility (23 September 2019). More...

Mobile phone crackdown in NSW targets driver distraction
A mobile phone detection camera, the first in the world, will be deployed in NSW before the year is out the State Government has announced (24 September 2019). More...

Thousands of dangerous drivers 'who shouldn't be on our roads' protected by loophole
Victoria's speed camera watchdog warns a wide range of road users - from tradies to large companies - are unfairly using the law to pay a $3,000 fine instead of losing individual licences for dangerous driving offences (24 September 2019). More...

QLD Govt mandate supports suppliers in transport contracts
The Queensland Government has announced new enforcements to support state road and transport workers have come into effect this week (01 October 2019). More...

Published – articles, papers, reports

NHVR Submissions
26 September 2019 - Response to the National Transport Commission's Heavy Vehicle National Law Review Vehicle Standards and Safety issues paper. A revamped performance-based standards scheme that focuses on flexibility and continued innovation should be essential to reforms. The full submission is available here.

NHVR on the Road - Issue 69, 30 September 2019
On the Road provides important information on the heavy vehicle industry, including the latest NHVR news and events, relevant law and policy changes, and resources to help industry members comply with the HVNL. More...

In practice and courts

HVIA Policy Position: Truck / trailer width
26 September 2019. More...

HHVR consultation: Grain Harvest Management Schemes Review issues paper
The issues paper looks at the various opportunities and challenges that exist with the current schemes, and options to achieve national consistency. Submissions close on October 18. More...

Senate Inquiries
Importance of a viable, safe, sustainable and efficient road transport industry
Status: Submissions. Close: 17 October 2019

Current consultations
The policy, regulatory, taxation, administrative and funding priorities for Australian shipping
Status: Date referred: 23 July 2019. Reporting date: 05 December 2019

CASA reminder: Modernising Australia's Fatigue Rules
We are implementing our response to the independent review of the fatigue rules and are now consulting with industry on the proposed CAO 48.1 Instrument 2019 – Modernising Australia's Fatigue Rules. There will be a staged transition to the new rules: High capacity regular public transport operators are required to transition to the new fatigue rules by 30 September 2019.

NATROAD: NSW regulatory update: New safety requirement for electric, hybrid and hydrogen vehicles
All electric, hybrid and hydrogen vehicles manufactured or modified after 1 January 2019 are now legally required to have a small identifying label fixed to the front and rear number plates. This includes light vehicles, and vehicles over 4.5 tonnes. The new safety regulation came into effect on 1 September 2019 and fines may apply for failing to display the labels from 1 January 2020 (25 September 2019). More...

ATSB Investigations
Contact with loading rake/derailment, Andoom load station (near Weipa), Queensland, on 22 September 2019 - New investigation. An empty ore train collided with rail wagons that were being loaded with bauxite at the Andoom mine, approximately 20 km north of Weipa. The train's driver sustained minor injuries and attended Weipa hospital as a precautionary measure.

NTC effective enforcement issues paper September 2019
Commission to review the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL). This is one of eight issues papers that seek your feedback on the HVNL as it is, and opportunities to improve it. NTC will accept submissions until 31 October 2019. More...

NTC Issues Paper - Assurance models
Comments due 25 October 2019. More...


Gazette 04 October 2019

Heavy Vehicle National Law - Queensland Class 2 Performance Based Standards A-Double (Toowoomba to Port of Brisbane) Authorisation Notice 2019 (No.2)
The purpose of this Notice is to authorise Performance Based Standards (PBS) A-doubles to access a special PBS network running from Toowoomba to Port of Brisbane up to a Gross Combination Mass of 85 tonnes.


Bills introduced - Government
Road Transport Amendment (Mobile Phone Detection) Bill 2019
24 September 2019



Heavy Vehicle National Law and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2019(Qld)
This Act, passed on 19 September 2019, received Royal Assent on 26 September 2019; see Act for commencement details. This Act amends the Heavy Vehicle National Law (HVNL) to implement nationally agreed reforms and necessary amendments. The Act also makes a range of minor or technical amendments that remove unnecessary administrative or regulatory burdens, will help improve the enforceability of the HVNL, correct minor errors and ensure the HVNL remains contemporary and fit for purpose. More...


Statutory Rules
No 89 Subordinate Legislation (Road Safety (Vehicles) Regulations 2009) Extension Regulations 2019
01/10/2019 – The operation of the Road Safety (Vehicles) Regulations 2009 is extended for the period beginning on 7 October 2019 and ending on 5 October 2020.
No 88 Road Safety (General) Regulations 2019. These Regulations came into operation on 27 September 2019 (24 September 2019). More...

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