
The Hong Kong Intellectual Property Department Commenced The Soft Launch Of An Online Registered Design Search On 16 February 2004.

Full Update

The new online system contains all registered designs on the Hong Kong Register of Designs.  Simple and advanced searches can be conducted in Chinese and English.  Three types of search results, namely image, details and details and image, are available. 

To conduct a search, one has various search criteria for the scope range of the search to include registrations starting from and ending with a certain number, the name of the article, registered owner, class (and sub-class) under the Locarno Classification, the filing date or date of registration, address for service, priority number, priority date, UK registration number and Hong Kong registration date.  The "Simple Search" interface provides drop-down menus (e.g. Contain word, Exact Word, Part Word) to guide your search while the "Advanced Search" interface allows the entering wildcard characters in the text criteria.  "Contain word" will locate designs containing an identical word queried, "exact word" designs with an identical word queried and "part word" designs containing the character(s) queried.  The wildcard characters "%" will substitute any characters and "_" substitute a single character for text searches.  It should be noted that some search criteria do not apply to a design registered in the United Kingdom which is deemed to be registered in Hong Kong under the Registered Designs Ordinance.

As compared to the old system, the new online search is an obvious improvement.  Searches can now be conducted around the clock instead of being confined to the operation hours of the Department.  It is more user-friendly, easy to access and is free of charge.

The online registered designed search page can be accessed by clicking on the following link:

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