Even though the biotechnological field is rapidly advancing especially in the field of stem cell research, scientists working in the field are met with the implications imposed by ethical considerations and legal boundaries connected to genetic engineering and use of human embryos in the name of science.

No patent due to human embryo destruction

The European Patent Office (EPO) recently made a ruling against stem cell patenting in cases which involve the use and destruction of human embryos. The ruling was a result of a patent application filed in 1995 by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) – a designated patent management organisation of the University of Wisconsin – Madison in the US.

The patent application included a description of how to obtain embryonic stem cell cultures from humans. However, the method for obtaining this involved a destruction of the human embryos that were used in the process. This ultimately influenced EPO's decision on the matter. EPO's Enlarged Board of Appeal (EBoA) decided that under the provisions of the EPC including the EU Biotechnology Directive (98/44/EC), which was implemented in the EPC in 1999, and Article 53(a) in particular, it was not possible to grant a patent for human stem cell cultures obtained by such methods.

Using human embryos as a material to obtain the desired product which would be used for industrial purposes was considered neither ethically or morally acceptable. In addition, the EPC prohibits all patenting on applications of human embryos for industrial or commercial exploitation.

The EBoA, however, did note that the ruling against WARF's application does not concern the question of human stem cell patentability in general.

You can read more about the patent ruling at http://www.epo.org/topics/news/2008/20081127.html

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.