A Guide To Investment In Madeira International Business Centre (MIBC) - 2

Madeira Fiducia Management LDA


Madeira Fiducia Management LDA
Portugal Wealth Management
Any activity of industrial, commercial or financial nature will be authorised in the Free Zone and the respective applications to set up economical units in the Free Zone will be accepted by the Regional Government (Decree-Law 500/80 and Decree Reg. 53/82, Art. 4).

  • Management and administration of the Free Zone is done by the Madeira Development Corporation - SDM (Sociedade de Desenvolvimento da Madeira).
  • The Free Zone of Madeira deals with four types of activities:
1. Industrialization and storing of goods (Industrial Free Zone);
2. "Offshore" international services;
3. "Offshore" financial activities;
4. International Registration of Ships.


Madeira Island is an "offshore" centre which offers advantages common to most "offshore" centres, such as:

  • Total freedom of exchange, including free repatriation of funded capital and profits, free transfer of funds related to commercial operations and no imposition of restrictions on capital imports.
  • Tax exemption on the profits of corporations until December 31, 2011.
  • Tax exemption as far as the income attributed to entities which participate in the capital of offshore companies is concerned (profits, interests).
  • Tax exemption concerning the income paid to third parties as interest (financial institutions) and "royalties", as long as the financing or the transfer of industrial property or similar is linked to the activities of the companies in the Free Trade Zone.
  • Tax exemption as far as the income paid to the users of the services is concerned, and provided that these are not domiciled in Portuguese territory.
  • Total bank secrecy.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

For further information please contact:

Christina Perriera
Madeira Fiducia Management LDA
Rua 31 de Janeiro No 81-A
5E -9050

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