28 March 1995

Tax Summary 1995 - Portugal

KPMG Peat Marwick


KPMG Peat Marwick

I Company Taxation

1. Corporate Income Tax (IRC)
Resident companies and non-resident companies with permanent establishments (note 1).

Type of company/activity				Rate (%)

(i) Normal rate						36
(ii) Companies who do not exercise as their 
principal activity a commercial industrial or 
agricultural trade					20
(iii) Property investment companies (SGII)		25
(iv) Private schools					20
(v) Investment funds					-
(vi) Pension funds					Exempt
(vii) Personal retirement savings 
fund companies (note 4)					Exempt
(vii) Venture capital and regional 
development companies					Exempt in the first
							five years (note 2)
(ix) Certain companies in Madeira 
and Santa Maria, Azores					Exempt (note 5)

(1) A permanent establishment is considered to exist when any employee or agent of the company carries out business activities in Portugal for a period in excess of 120 days in any 12 months, or when the company possesses any fixed installation or permanent representation through which a commercial industrial or agricultural activity is carried on.
(2) If constituted before 31.12.92.
(3) Withholding tax on different types of income received.
(4) When the Portfolio is consitituted (at least 50%) by public bonds issued with a term higher than one year.
(5) Under a special tax regime applicable in certain cases.

2. Municipal Tax (Derrama)
Local municipal tax of up to 10% of the corporate income tax is levied in most municipalities.

II Personal Taxation

1. Individual Income Tax (IRS)

(i) Residents
Residents are taxable on worldwide income. Any individual is considered resident if they are present in Portugal for more than 183 days in the same year or have at their disposal on 31 December of any year a residence with the intention of maintaining it as permanent residence (there are special rules for crew of ships and aircraft).

(ii) Non-residents
Non-residents are taxable on income arising in Portuguese territory.

2. IRS - Tables of the basic rate
Applicable to 1995 incomes (PTE'000)
Annual Taxable Income					Tax on Slice
PTE'000				%			PTE'000
Up to 970			15			146
From 970 to 2,260		25			323
From 2,260 to 5,790		35			1,235
Over 5,790			40			-

3. Allowances and deductions (PTE'000) 1995
3.1 To income: PTE'000
	Category A - Employee, 65% up to limit of	440 (notes 1 & 2)
	Category F - Rentals - Maintenance expenses	-
	Category H - Pensions, up to limit of 		1,272


A - Unmarried tax payer
B - Married tax payer

 	Health expenses					No limit
	House acquisition interest and rentals paid	287
	Other (education, life insurance premiums, etc)
							A	B
	In general limited to				154	308
 	Exceeding those values in the case of 
	  University fees				176.5	353
	Exceeding those values in the case of 
	  the acquisition of innovative equipment 
	  for utilisation of renewable energy		253.5	408

3.2 To the calculated IRS:

Married taxpayer - each taxpayer			24 (note 2)
Unmarried taxpayers					32 (note 2)
Dependents						17.5 (note 2)

(1) Or the social security contributions paid if higher.
(2) If the taxpayer is handicapped (60% or more of incapacity) these amounts are increased by 50%.
(3) This includes a maximum of PTE25,000 (for single) and PTE50,000 (for married tax payer) for life insurance premiums paid by the tax payer.

III Withholding at Source on Different Types of Income (%)
				IRS		  IRC
			Residents	Non-	  Residents	Non-
					residents		residents
Income Category A
Employees		Various		25 (1)	  -		-
Members of Statutory 
bodies of collective 
persons and other 
entities		Various		25 (1)	  20		25 (1)

Income category B:
Self employment		15 (7)		25 (1)
Royalties and 
copyrights when
obtained by its 
original owner		15		15 (1)	  -		-

Income category C:
Commissions		15		15 (1)	  -		-

Income category E:
Royalties when obtained 
by its original owner	15		25 (1)	  15		15 (1)
Copyrights		15 		25 (1)	  15		15 (1)
Bank deposit interests	20 (2)		20 (1)	  20		20 (1)
Income from State bonds
and non-public bonds	20 (2)		20 (1)	  20		20 (1)
Gains arising on 
"swaps" on these bonds	20 (2)		20 (1)	  20		20 (1)
Income from shares 
in SAs			25 (2)		25 (1)	  25		25
Income from shares in 
SAs to EU countries(6)	25 (2)	  	25 (1)	  25		15 (1) (5)
Gains arising on "swaps" 
and operations in 
credits and other
financial instruments	20 (2)		20 (1)	  20		20 (1)
Income from private company 
qoutas			15		25 (1)	  15		25 (1)
Income from the use, or concession
of use, of equipment	15		15 (1)	  15 (3)	15 (1)
Others, when the taxpayer has
organised accounts	15		20 (1)	  15		20 (1)
Income category F:
Rentals when the taxpayer has 
organised accounts	15		15	  15		15

Income category H:
Pensions		Various		25 (1) (4)-	-

Income from category I:
Gains from games, 
lotteriesbetting, raffles 
and contents		35 (1)		35 (1)	  35 (1)	35 (1)

(1) Definitive withholding. Income not to be declared.
(2) Income may be declared at the option of the taxpayer.
(3) There is no withholding at source when income received by taxpayers who are subject to IRC (even if they have obtained exemption).
(4) Pensions net of standard deductions granted by art. 51 of the IRS Code.
(5) Direct holding of share capital ( 25% during two consecutive years.
(6) Stock company (SA) plus 5% inheritance and gift tax.
(7) Exempt up to PTE1,500,000 per annum.

						Continent	Madeira and 
Goods and services in list I
Basic foodstuffs, water, pharmaceutical, books
and papers, agricultural products, petrol and other
fuel, gas, electricity, public works contracts,
hotels, agricultural equipment, etc		5%		4%

Goods in list II
Other goods and services - general rate		17%		13%

V Property Transfer Tax (SISA)
Urban Residential property:

Transfer value					Rates
(Esc. 000)					%
Up to 10,000	0
From 10,000 to 13,800				5
From 13,800 to 18,500				11
From 18,500 to 23,100				18
From 23,100 to 27,800				26
Over 27,800					10

Other urban property and land for construction	10
Other case					8

VI Social Security

					Employee	Employer
					%		%
Normal scheme				11		23.75
Domestic service			8		21
Non-profit making entities		11		21

VII Municipal Property Tax

On the property value
of rural properties			0.8%
of urban building, including land
for construction			0.8% to 1.0%

For further information please contact Mark Gibbins, tax partner, KPMG Peat Marwick, telephone: +351 1 311 04 06.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about specific circumstances before taking business decisions.

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