Four Additional Speakers Confirm Their Participation At The 1997 Conference On G



United Kingdom Strategy
I am pleased to see that a conference as important as The 1997 Conference on Globalisation has attracted such a wide range of international speakers
- John Major, Prime Minister, 7 February 1997


Four additional high level speakers have confirmed their attendance at The 1997 Conference on Globalisation. The Conference, to be held at Olympia on 22-24 April, is the first international forum on the impact of globalisation on the world's securities markets.

         John Kemp-Welch, Chairman, London Stock Exchange 
         speaking on "Fragmentation and segmentation".

         Dr Mark Mobius, President, Templeton Emerging Markets 
         speaking on "Special Asia Focus".

         Robert Gray, Chairman, HSBC Markets, Vice Chairman, IPMA and  
         Professor Brian Scott-Quinn, Director, ISMA Centre at
         Reading University who are both speaking on "Global capital 
         raising through bonds and equities".

At the 1997 Conference on Globalisation, plenary panel sessions will be chaired by: Eudald Canadell, Secretary General, IOSCO (The International Organisation of Securities Commissions), Urs Stahli, Secretary General, ISSA (The International Society of Securities Administrators), and Gerrit de Marez Oyens, Secretary General, FIBV (The International Federation of Stock Exchanges). Potential solutions will be developed to questions such as:

  • How will the world's securities markets develop in the next millennium?
  • How will globalisation affect the leading financial institutions?
  • What do market participants need to do now to prepare for change?

Until now, there has never been a single forum for all branches of the securities industry to discuss what will be the most important trend in the in the coming years. The 1997 Conference on Globalisation provides this.

A list of selected speakers' quotes follows:

Stanislas Yassukovich, Chairman, EASDAQ

"Having witnessed the birth of Euro Markets some 30 years ago I am intrigued by the opportunities and challenges of globalisation. I therefore particularly welcome the 1997 Conference on Globalisation as a forum for discussion on key issues affecting the Global markets. These will include systematic risk and other regulatory issues as well as macro economic and industry aspects. All participants in the Global markets need to address matters with some urgency as the evolution of information technology is accelerating the pace of globalisation."

Noriko Hama, Chief Economist, Mitsubishi Research Institute

"Coming from outside of the European Union, my views on EMU will necessarily have a global perspective. What kind of a currency will the Euro become, when and if it does come into existence? Will it be a stable third currency that breathes a new lease of life into the international financial system? If so, well and good. Yet it could just as easily become either a weak, inflationary currency, or an overvalued, deflationary currency that brings turmoil to global foreign exchange markets. The implications for inward investments into the Euro area will be immense, whatever the outcome. These are some of the issues which I look forward to discussing at the 1997 Conference on Globalisation."

John G Heimann, Chairman Global Financial Institutions, Merrill Lynch

"Our recent acquisition of Smith New Court is another significant step towards the completion of our global securities operation. In our view what clients are looking for is broad capability and knowledge in every market globally. I very much welcome the opportunity of talking with other senior practitioners about the development of global securities companies at the 1997 Conference on Globalisation."

Sir Bryan Carsberg, Secretary - General, International Accounting Standards Committee

"The difference between US and UK GAPP is an issue which is regularly dealt with by practitioners in the London market but the implication on accounting standards of a truly Global Market are quite immense. Work being done now on harmonisation and standardisation will deliver significant benefits in the future. The 1997 Conference on Globalisation is an ideal forum for market professionals to debate, discuss and deliberate about these important issues."

James Harper, Marketing Director, of IFex which has organised The 1997 Conference on Globalisation, said:

"Without question, globalisation presents the most serious challenge to the securities industry today. Institutions are now operating on an unprecedented global scale, Investors now need to take a truly global approach in portfolio selection, and Issuers increasingly seek investment from outside their traditional geographic base. This globalisation process has created significant opportunities. It has also created new types of risk which can, and frequently do, threaten national and international markets.

"Industry organisations and practitioners have identified a need in the marketplace to address the issues surrounding globalisation from an all-party perspective - investor, issuer, exchange, intermediary and regulator - in one setting. The 1997 Conference on Globalisation will provide this."

For further information please contact:

Hamish McFall / Tony Rose        Tavistock Communications
                                 Tel: (+44) 171 600 2288

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