29 June 2010

Dubai Land Department Procedures For Developers To Terminate Or To Mutually Agree To Cancel/Consolidate Units With Investors

As a result of the financial crisis many developers have been forced to seek termination of unit sale and purchase agreements ("SPAs") executed with investors or to mutually agree to cancel or consolidate units.
United Arab Emirates Real Estate and Construction

As a result of the financial crisis many developers have been forced to seek termination of unit sale and purchase agreements ("SPAs") executed with investors or to mutually agree to cancel or consolidate units.

The legal affairs department at the Dubai Land Department ("DLD") has devised a procedure to allow developers and investors to mutually cancel or consolidate units from the registers held at DLD and to allow developers to terminate units where investors do not respond to legal notices. These procedures are in accordance with Law No 13 of 2008 Regulating the Interim Real Estate Register and Law No 9 of 2009 amending some provisions of Law No 13 of 2008. The forthcoming Executive Council Resolution No 6 of 2010 approving the executive regulation of Law No 13 of 2008 does provide minor enhancements to the procedures to be implemented by DLD and these points are discussed later in this article.

The actual procedures are frequently updated; however we have reproduced below the current procedures at the time of writing. We advise that to commence the termination, cancellation or consolidation procedures an appointment should first be made with the legal affairs department by contacting them by email or attending at DLD in person.

DLD'S conditions to accept an application to cancel or consolidate units by way of mutual consent

  • The cancellation/consolidation agreement must be written in Arabic and on the developer's letterhead.
  • The unit should be registered on Oqood and a copy of the Oqood certificate should be provided.
  • In the event of consolidation of a number of property units, the developer must register the new unit before cancelling the old one.
  • The developer should issue a letter stating that the person who signed the agreements, letters and undertakings attached to the application on behalf of the developer is authorised to sign on behalf of the company

Initial Documents required

  • Passport copy of the authorised signatory of the developer;
  • Developer's RERA registration certificate;
  • Developer's commercial license or registration certificate; and
  • Power of Attorney (if applicable).

In the event of the non existence of an escrow account, a letter should be submitted clarifying that the consolidation or cancellation procedure does not require transfer or refunding of any amount of money from the project escrow account. Such letter should include an acknowledgement that the funds paid by the investor have not been deposited in the escrow account for the project. The agreed amount to be refunded to the investor must be paid prior to submission of the application to cancel the unit and evidence of the payment made to the investor must be provided.

Where funds are to be paid from the escrow account, a statement of the escrow account must be submitted confirming that the payment refunded to the investor has been made by the developer. A written undertaking on the company's letterhead also needs to be submitted confirming that the refund of the monies to the investor shall not in any manner affect the progress of construction of the project.

The prescribed form of the letters mentioned above are available from the writer on request or from DLD legal affairs department and must follow the exact format stipulated by DLD to avoid the application being rejected.

Once DLD reviews the documents and accepts the cancellation/consolidation application, a letter shall be forwarded to the registration section of DLD to cancel the unit from the register. Developers are advised to check Oqood approximately three weeks after the submission of documents to confirm that the name of the investor has been removed from the register.

Documents required to submit an application to cancel/consolidate units

In addition to the documents mentioned above the following should be provided:

  • A request in writing in Arabic in the format prescribed by DLD; signed by the authorised signatory to request the cancellation/consolidation in DLD format;
  • The original cancellation/consolidation agreement duly signed and stamped by the parties. If the agreement is not in Arabic a translated copy must be obtained from a licensed translator in the UAE;
  • A copy of the unit SPA in the name of the investor registered in Oqood;
  • Passport copy for the owner of the property;
  • The financial report for the unit issued by the escrow account agent (Bank) including the developer's name, project name, investor's name, unit number and the amount paid by the investor and the amount refunded;
  • To fill the following fields in the excel sheet provided by DLD and provide the same to DLD on a flash memory:
    - Confirmation of cancellation or consolidation of the unit
    - Refund amount to the investor where a unit is cancelled
    - Transfer and merge amounts (in the event of transferring the property and the paid amounts or part of it to another unit)
  • Copy of Oqood certificate;
  • Copy of the progress indicator report published on RERA's Website; and
  • Undertaking as per DLD format on the developer's letterhead confirming the accuracy of the signatures and that the agreement will not affect the project and commitment to implement the project.

Documents required where refund payment to the investor is to be made from the escrow account

  • The original escrow account agreement;
  • Copy of Oqood certificate;
  • Passport copy for the owner of the unit; and
  • The original financial report issued by the escrow account agent (Bank) (not less than three months old).

Procedure to terminate units at DLD by Developers

In the event there is no mutual agreement between the parties to cancel or consolidate a unit and the investor fails to respond to the 30 day legal notice issued by DLD in accordance with Article 11 of Law No 13 of 2008 Regulating the Interim Real Estate Register and Law No 9 of 2009 amending some provisions of Law No 13 of 2008, the developer shall provide the same documents as mentioned above for the mutual cancellation/consolidation of units to apply to terminate the unit SPA. The cancellation/consolidation agreement however shall not be applicable and the letters mentioned above shall need to be amended to request the termination of the unit as a result of the investor's default. A meeting between the developer and a legal advisor at DLD shall then be required to approve the termination of the unit once all the documents have been reviewed.

Article 15 of the Executive Council Resolution No 6 of 2010 approving the executive regulation of Law No 13 of 2008 however states that there is no requirement for DLD to issue a 30 day legal notice and that a copy of the notice issued by the developer shall suffice as the 30 day notice to be provided to investors. This provision makes the termination procedure more efficient for developers and places a greater burden upon the investor to respond to the developer's notice. At the time of writing however DLD has not implemented this procedure.

Once the termination of the unit SPA has been approved, DLD shall then issue a legal notice to the investor advising the investor that the unit SPA has been terminated and a letter shall be issued to the registration section at DLD to cancel the unit from the DLD register.

Where the termination of a unit SPA is contested by an investor and the parties fail to reach an agreement to cancel the SPA the matter may be referred to Dubai Property Court for settlement.

DLD has also advised that a fee of AED 500 shall be introduced for every unit that a developer or investor wishes to terminate, consolidate or cancel by way of mutual consent in order to cover the administrative expenses incurred by DLD. At the time of writing this article, however, this fee has not been implemented.

All correspondences must be addressed to Mr. Ahmed Edris, Head of Centre of Legal Affairs DLD.

We advise that the procedure and policies at DLD change quite frequently and the above information is the most accurate information we have available at the time of writing.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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