2019 Mid-Year False Claims Act Update

As we progress through the Trump Administration's third year, robust False Claims Act ("FCA") enforcement continues. At the same time, the Administration has continued to signal
United States Government, Public Sector

As we progress through the Trump Administration's third year, robust False Claims Act ("FCA") enforcement continues. At the same time, the Administration has continued to signal a greater openness to tempering overly aggressive FCA theories. In the past six months, the Department of Justice ("DOJ") issued long-awaited guidance about cooperation credit in FCA cases and also continued to seek dismissal of some declined cases pursued by whistleblowers (albeit with mixed success). Aside from these efforts, however, DOJ has not evidently relaxed its approach to enforcement: the first half of the year saw DOJ announce recoveries of nearly three-quarters of a billion dollars in settlements, largely from entities in the health care and life sciences industries.

The next year should provide insight as to whether the Administration's policy refinements are the vanguard of a more meaningful shift by DOJ away from its historical enforcement efforts. But even if that were the case, enterprising relators and aggressive state enforcers may end up filling any gaps. In just the past half year, several states took steps to enact or strengthen existing FCA statutes.

Regardless of what direction DOJ and the Trump Administration head, federal courts' FCA decisions from the last six months serve as a reminder that FCA litigation remains hard-fought, given the enormous stakes. At the highest level, the U.S. Supreme Court weighed in on the FCA again this year, resolving a circuit split about the FCA's statute of limitation in favor of whistleblowers. This marked the third time in four years the land's highest court interpreted the FCA. Meanwhile, lower courts also remained active in FCA jurisprudence, issuing a number of notable opinions that we have summarized herein.

Below, we begin by addressing enforcement activity at the federal and state levels, turn to legislative developments, and then analyze significant court decisions from the past six months. As always, Gibson Dunn's recent publications regarding the FCA may be found on our website, including in-depth discussions of the FCA's framework and operation, industry-specific presentations, and practical guidance to help companies avoid or limit liability under the FCA. And, of course, we would be happy to discuss these developments—and their implications for your business—with you.


DOJ has announced more than $750 million in settlements this year, a slight uptick from this point in 2018, but somewhat down from half-year highs set in recent years. The dollar totals tell only part of the story, however, as neither DOJ nor qui tam relators have scaled back FCA investigations or whistleblower complaints considerably.

As in recent years, DOJ secured the lion's share of its FCA recoveries from enforcement actions involving health care and life sciences entities. Although DOJ's recoveries came from cases reflecting a wide variety of theories of FCA liability, cases involving alleged violations of the Anti-Kickback Statute ("AKS") and the Stark Law, which generally prohibit various types of remunerative arrangements with referring health care providers, continued to predominate. This year, DOJ's AKS enforcement activity includes several large recoveries, totaling nearly $250 million, from pharmaceutical companies accused of unlawfully covering Medicare copays for their own products through charitable foundations. Further, DOJ backed up its statements regarding its plans to combat the opioid epidemic as it recovered more than $200 million from an opioid manufacturer accused of paying kickbacks.

Below, we summarize these and some of the other most notable settlements thus far in 2019.

A. Health Care and Life Science Industries

  • On January 28, a hospital and six of its owners agreed to pay the federal government $8.1 million to settle claims that it violated the FCA by submitting false claims to Medicare and Medicaid programs in violation of the AKS and Stark Law. DOJ alleged that the hospital, its subsidiary, and at least two affiliates recruited a medical director in order to secure his referrals of patients by offering the physician compensation that exceeded fair market value for his services. The whistleblower will receive $1.6 million from the federal government.1
  • On January 30, a pathology laboratory agreed to pay $63.5 million to settle allegations that it violated the FCA by engaging in improper financial relationships with referring physicians. The settlement resolves allegations that the company violated the AKS and the Stark Law by providing subsidies to referring physicians for electronic health records ("EHR") systems and free or discounted technology consulting services. The allegations stem from three whistleblower lawsuits, and the whistleblowers' share of the settlement had not been determined at the time the settlement was announced.2
  • On February 6, a Florida-based developer of EHR software agreed to pay $57.25 million to resolve allegations that it caused its users to submit false claims to the government by (1) misrepresenting the capabilities of its EHR product (thereby enabling them to seek meaningful use incentive payments) and (2) violating the AKS (by financially incentivizing its client health care providers to recommend its product to prospective customers).3
  • On February 6, a Georgia-based hospital agreed to pay $5 million to resolve allegations that it violated the FCA by engaging in improper financial relationships with referring physicians between 2012 and 2016. DOJ alleged that the hospital compensated the physicians in amounts that were above fair market value or in a manner that took into account the volume or value of the physicians' referrals.4
  • On February 27, a Tennessee-based health care company and its related companies agreed to pay more than $18 million to resolve a lawsuit brought by DOJ and Tennessee alleging they billed the Medicare and Medicaid programs for substandard nursing home services. The settlement also resolves claims brought by DOJ against the company's majority owners and CEO, as well as the LLC's former director of operations, who agreed to pay $250,000 toward the settlement.5
  • On March 11, a medical technology company agreed to pay more than $17.4 million to resolve allegations that it violated the FCA by providing free or discounted practice development and market development support, allegedly amounting to "in-kind" payments to induce physicians in California and Florida to purchase the company's ablation products. Under the settlement, the company also will pay approximately $1.4 million to California and approximately $1.0 million to Florida for claims paid for by the states' Medicaid programs. The two whistleblowers, former company employees, will receive approximately $3.1 million as their share of the federal recovery.6
  • On March 21, a Maryland-based health care company and its affiliates agreed to pay $35 million to settle allegations under the FCA that it paid kickbacks to a Maryland cardiology group in exchange for referrals, through a series of contracts with two Maryland hospitals. The settlement resolved two whistleblower lawsuits brought by cardiac surgeons and former patients, who alleged that the company and its affiliates performed medically unnecessary cardiac procedures for which they submitted false claims to Medicare. The whistleblowers' share had not been disclosed yet.7
  • In April, several pharmaceutical companies reached settlements with DOJ over allegations involving charitable funds. For example:
    • As part of a string of investigations by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Massachusetts, three pharmaceutical companies agreed to pay a total of $122.6 million to resolve allegations that they violated the FCA by illegally paying the Medicare or Civilian Health and Medical Program copays for their own products through purportedly independent foundations that were allegedly used as mere conduits. The government contended that the companies' payments of the copays were kickbacks aimed at inducing patients to use the companies' drugs. In all three matters, the government alleged that the foundations were used to generate revenues from prescriptions for patients who would have otherwise been eligible for the companies' free drug programs. One company agreed to pay $57 million; the second company agreed to pay $52.6 million, and the third company agreed to pay $13 million.8
    • On April 30, a Kentucky-based pharmaceutical company agreed to pay $17.5 million to resolve allegations that it violated the FCA and AKS by paying kickbacks to patients and physicians to induce prescriptions of two of its drugs. DOJ alleged that the company increased the drugs' prices in January 2012, which increased Medicare patients' copays. Then, DOJ asserted, the company paid these patients' copays through a third-party Parkinson's Disease fund, thereby providing illegal inducements to patients to purchase the drugs. The allegations underlying the settlement were originally raised by whistleblowers, who will receive $3.15 million as their share of the recovery.9
  • On April 12, a California-based health care services provider and several affiliated entities agreed to pay $30 million to resolve allegations that the affiliated entities submitted false information about the health status of beneficiaries enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans, which purportedly resulted in overpayments to the provider.10
  • On May 6, a West Virginia-based health care company agreed to pay $17 million to resolve allegations of a billing scheme that allegedly defrauded Medicaid of $8.5 million. This represented the largest health care fraud settlement in the history of West Virginia, and the state will collect $2.2 million from the settlement. DOJ alleged that the company, acting through a subsidiary and several of its drug treatment centers, sent blood and urine samples to outside laboratories for testing, and then submitted reimbursement claims to West Virginia Medicaid as if the treatment centers had performed the tests themselves. According to the government, since the company paid the outside laboratories a lower rate than its requested reimbursement to Medicaid, the company wrongfully collected $8.5 million.11
  • On May 30, a Kansas-based cardiologist agreed to pay $5.8 million to resolve allegations that he and his medical group violated the FCA by improperly billing federal health care programs for medically unnecessary cardiac stent procedures. This marked the DOJ's third False Claims settlement with the cardiologist and his medical group, who concurrently agreed with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services ("HHS") to be excluded from participation in federal health programs for three years. The settlement announcement resolves allegations in a whistleblower lawsuit filed by another cardiologist, who will receive approximately $1.16 million from the settlement.12
  • On May 31, a New Jersey-based pharmaceutical company was charged under the Sherman Act for conspiring with competitors to fix prices, rig bids, and allocate customers. In a separate civil resolution, the company agreed to pay $7.1 million to resolve allegations under the FCA related to the alleged price fixing conspiracy. DOJ asserted that between 2012 and 2015, the company paid and received remuneration through arrangements on price, supply, and allocation of customers with other pharmaceutical manufacturers for certain generic drugs, in violation of the AKS, and that its sale of such drugs resulted in claims submitted to or purchases by federal health care programs.13
  • On June 5, an opioid manufacturing company agreed to a $225 million global resolution to settle the government's criminal and civil investigations. DOJ alleged that the company paid kickbacks and engaged in other unlawful marketing practices to induce physicians and nurse practitioners to prescribe its opioid to patients. As part of the criminal resolution, the company entered into a deferred prosecution agreement with the government, and its subsidiary pleaded guilty to five counts of mail fraud. The company also agreed to pay a $2 million criminal fine and a $28 million forfeiture. As part of the civil resolution, the company agreed to pay $195 million. The allegations stem from five whistleblower lawsuits, and the whistleblowers' share of the settlement has yet to be determined.14
  • On June 30, the nation's largest operator of inpatient rehabilitation centers agreed to pay $48 million to resolve allegations that its centers provided medically unnecessary treatment, and also submitted false information to Medicare to achieve higher levels of reimbursement. The settlement involved allegations across multiple facilities and was part of DOJ's broader efforts to target inpatient treatment facilities nationally.

B. Government Contracting

  • On January 28, a corporation that provides information and technology services agreed to pay $5.2 million to resolve allegations that it violated the FCA by falsely billing labor under its contract with the United States Postal Service ("USPS"). Under the contract, the company would bill the USPS for personnel performing services at rates established by certain billing categories. DOJ alleged that the corporation knowingly billed the USPS for certain personnel services at higher category rates, even though the personnel did not have the education and/or experience to be in these categories.15
  • On March 25, a private university in North Carolina agreed to pay the government $112.5 million to resolve allegations that it violated the FCA by submitting applications and progress reports that contained purportedly falsified research on federal grants to the National Institutes of Health ("NIH") and to the Environmental Protection Agency. Among other allegations, DOJ asserted that the university fabricated research results related to mice to claim millions of grant dollars from the NIH. The allegations stem from a whistleblower lawsuit brought by a former university employee, who will receive $33.75 million from the settlement.16
  • On May 13, a California-based software development company agreed to pay $21.57 million to resolve allegations that it caused the government to be overcharged by providing misleading information about its commercial sales practices, which was then used in General Services Administration ("GSA") contract negotiations. DOJ alleged that the company knowingly provided false information concerning its commercial discounting practices for its products and services to resellers. These resellers then allegedly used that information in negotiations with GSA for government-wide contracts. DOJ alleged this caused GSA to agree to less favorable pricing, which led the government purchasers to be overcharged. The allegations stemmed from a whistleblower lawsuit filed by a former company employee, who will receive over $4.3 million from the resolution.17


A. Federal Developments

1. Guidance Regarding Cooperation Credit

The first half of 2019 did not witness major legislative developments at the federal level pertaining to the FCA. But DOJ has advanced its recent efforts to more publicly and transparently articulate its approach to FCA cases, as evidenced by the May 2019 release of long-awaited guidance regarding cooperation credit in FCA investigations.18 We covered this development in detail in our May 14, 2019 alert entitled "Cooperation Credit in False Claims Act Cases: Opportunities and Limitations in DOJ's New Guidance." Several key points regarding the guidance bear mention here.

The guidance is the latest chapter in a broader effort by DOJ to scale back the "all or nothing" approach to cooperation credit set forth in the 2015 Yates Memorandum. This initiative stems from a belief that that approach, in the words of former Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein, had been "counterproductive in civil cases" because it deprived DOJ attorneys of the "flexibility" they needed "to accept settlements that remedy the harm and deter future violations."19 In keeping with Mr. Rosenstein's statements, the new DOJ guidance—codified at Section 4-4.112 of the Justice Manual20—provides that defendants may receive varying levels of cooperation credit depending on their efforts across ten non-exhaustive categories of cooperation.21 These include:

  • "[i]dentifying individuals substantially involved in or responsible for the misconduct";
  • making individuals available who have "relevant information";
  • "[a]dmitting liability or accepting responsibility for the relevant conduct"; and
  • "[a]ssisting in the determination or recovery" of losses.22

The guidance also notes that cooperation must have value for DOJ, as measured by the "timeliness and voluntariness" of the cooperation, the "truthfulness, completeness, and reliability" of the information provided, the "nature and extent" of the cooperation, and the "significance and usefulness of the cooperation" to DOJ. Under the guidance, DOJ's determination of cooperation credit will consider remediation undertaken by the defendant, including remediation focused on root causes and discipline of relevant individuals.23

The guidance states that to receive full credit, entities should "undertake a timely self-disclosure that includes identifying all individuals substantially involved in or responsible for the misconduct, provide full cooperation with the government's investigation, and take remedial steps designed to prevent and detect similar wrongdoing in the future."24 Unlike DOJ's guidance regarding cooperation in criminal cases, the new FCA guidance does not provide for percentage reductions in penalties (or damages) for various levels of cooperation. Instead, the guidance focuses on DOJ's "discretion . . . [to] reduc[e] the penalties or damages multiple sought by the Department," and provides that no defendant may receive cooperation credit so great as to result in the payment of an amount less than single damages (including relator's share, plus lost interest and costs of investigation).25

The new guidance provides a measure of clarity regarding DOJ's overall approach to cooperation credit, and the flexible standards the guidance sets forth provide opportunities for defendants to formulate creative negotiation and litigation strategies. On the other hand, the guidance lacks specificity regarding several critical issues (e.g., what constitutes cooperation and how to assess the value that cooperation provides to DOJ).

2. Application of the Granston Memorandum

As we have previously discussed, DOJ signaled last year that it will increasingly consider moving to dismiss some FCA qui tam actions. Specifically, in January 2018, Michael Granston, the Director of the Fraud Section of DOJ's Civil Division, issued a memorandum (the "Granston Memo") stating that "when evaluating a recommendation to decline intervention in a qui tam action, attorneys should also consider whether the government's interests are served, in addition, by seeking dismissal pursuant to section 3730(c)(2)(A)."26

The Granston Memo established a list of non-exhaustive factors for DOJ to evaluate when considering whether to dismiss a case under section 3730(c)(2)(A), which states that the government may dismiss an FCA "action notwithstanding the objections of the person initiating the action if the person has been notified by the Government of the filing of the motion and the court has provided the person with an opportunity for a hearing on the motion."27 The Granston Memo's release prompted cautious optimism among FCA observers that DOJ would step in to dismiss unmeritorious cases, but the Memo also left many open questions regarding exactly how DOJ would exercise its discretion.

Since the Memo's release, FCA defendants routinely have pushed DOJ to dismiss cases, and in some cases, DOJ has done just that. But a little more than a year after the Memo's release, there are signs that DOJ is continuing to calibrate its approach, in response both to defendants' insistent entreaties and scrutiny by the courts (which must approve any dismissal).

First, the memorandum's namesake, DOJ Civil Fraud Section Director Michael Granston, recently elaborated on how DOJ will apply the Granston Memo's principles. In remarks at the Federal Bar Association's FCA Conference in March, Mr. Granston explained that DOJ will not be persuaded to dismiss qui tam actions "[j]ust because a case may impose substantial discovery obligations on the government."28 The decision to seek dismissal, he said, will instead be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, with the cost-benefit analysis focusing on the likelihood that the relator can prove the allegations brought on behalf of the government.29 Mr. Granston cautioned that defendants "should be on notice that pursuing undue or excessive discovery will not constitute a successful strategy for getting the government to exercise its dismissal authority," and that "[t]he government has, and will use, other mechanisms for responding to such discovery tactics."30 Overall, Mr. Granston stated, "dismissal will remain the exception rather than the rule."


1 See Press Release, Office of Pub. Affairs, U.S. Dep't of Justice, Avanti Hospitals LLC, and Its Owners Agree to Pay $8.1 Million to Settle Allegations of Making Illegal Payments in Exchange for Referrals (Jan. 28, 2019), https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/avanti-hospitals-llc-and-its-owners-agree-pay-81-million-settle-allegations-making-illegal.

2 See Press Release, Office of Pub. Affairs, U.S. Dep't of Justice, Pathology Laboratory Agrees to Pay $63.5 Million for Providing Illegal Inducements to Referring Physicians (Jan. 30, 2019), https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/pathology-laboratory-agrees-pay-635-million-providing-illegal-inducements-referring.

3 See Press Release, Office of Pub. Affairs, U.S. Dep't of Justice, Electronic Health Records Vendor to Pay $57.25 Million to Settle False Claims Act Allegations Charges (Feb. 6, 2019), https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/electronic-health-records-vendor-pay-5725-million-settle-false-claims-act-allegations.

4 See Press Release, U.S. Atty's Office for the N. Dist. of GA., Union General Hospital to Pay $5 Million to Resolve Alleged False Claims Act Violations (Feb. 6, 2019), https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndga/pr/union-general-hospital-pay-5-million-resolve-alleged-false-claims-act-violations.

5 See Press Release, Office of Pub. Affairs, U.S. Dep't of Justice, Vanguard Healthcare Agrees to Resolve Federal and State False Claims Act Liability (Feb. 27, 2019), https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/vanguard-healthcare-agrees-resolve-federal-and-state-false-claims-act-liability.

6 See Press Release, Office of Pub. Affairs, U.S. Dep't of Justice, Covidien to Pay Over $17 Million to The United States for Allegedly Providing Illegal Remuneration in the Form of Practice and Market Development Support to Physicians (Mar. 11, 2019), https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/covidien-pay-over-17-million-united-states-allegedly-providing-illegal-remuneration-form.

7 See Press Release, Office of Pub. Affairs, U.S. Dep't of Justice, MedStar Health to Pay U.S. $35 Million to Resolve Allegations that it Paid Kickbacks to a Cardiology Group in Exchange for Referrals (Mar. 21, 2019), https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/medstar-health-pay-us-35-million-resolve-allegations-it-paid-kickbacks-cardiology-group.

8 See Press Release, Office of Pub. Affairs, U.S. Dep't of Justice, Three Pharmaceutical Companies Agree to Pay a Total of Over $122 Million to Resolve Allegations That They Paid Kickbacks Through Co-Pay Assistance Foundations (Apr. 4, 2019), https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/three-pharmaceutical-companies-agree-pay-total-over-122-million-resolve-allegations-they-paid.

9 See Press Release, Office of Pub. Affairs, U.S. Dep't of Justice, Pharmaceutical Company Agrees to Pay $17.5 Million to Resolve Allegations of Kickbacks to Medicare Patients and Physicians (Apr. 30, 2019), https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/pharmaceutical-company-agrees-pay-175-million-resolve-allegations-kickbacks-medicare-patients.

10 See Press Release, Office of Pub. Affairs, U.S. Dep't of Justice, Medicare Advantage Provider to Pay $30 Million to Settle Alleged Overpayment of Medicare Advantage Funds (Apr. 12, 2019), https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/medicare-advantage-provider-pay-30-million-settle-alleged-overpayment-medicare-advantage.

11 See Press Release, U.S. Atty's Office for the S. Dist. of W.V., United States Attorney Announces $17 Million Healthcare Fraud Settlement (May 6, 2019), https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdwv/pr/united-states-attorney-announces-17-million-healthcare-fraud-settlement.

12 See Press Release, Office of Pub. Affairs, U.S. Dep't of Justice, Kansas Cardiologist and His Practice Pay $5.8 Million to Resolve Alleged False Billings for Unnecessary Cardiac Procedures (May 30, 2019), https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/kansas-cardiologist-and-his-practice-pay-58-million-resolve-alleged-false-billings.

13 See Press Release, Office of Pub. Affairs, U.S. Dep't of Justice, Pharmaceutical Company Admits to Price Fixing in Violation of Antitrust Law, Resolves Related False Claims Act Violations (May 31, 2019), https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/pharmaceutical-company-admits-price-fixing-violation-antitrust-law-resolves-related-false.

14 See Press Release, Office of Pub. Affairs, U.S. Dep't of Justice, Opioid Manufacturer Insys Therapeutics Agrees to Enter $225 Million Global Resolution of Criminal and Civil Investigations (Jun. 5, 2019), https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/opioid-manufacturer-insys-therapeutics-agrees-enter-225-million-global-resolution-criminal.

15 See Press Release, Office of Pub. Affairs, U.S. Dep't of Justice, Northrop Grumman Systems Corporation Agrees to Pay $5.2 Million to Settle Allegations of False Labor Charges (Jan. 28, 2019), https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/northrop-grumman-systems-corporation-agrees-pay-52-million-settle-allegations-false-labor.

16 See Press Release, Office of Pub. Affairs, U.S. Dep't of Justice, Duke University Agrees to Pay U.S. $112.5 Million to Settle False Claims Act Allegations Related to Scientific Research Misconduct (Mar. 25, 2019), https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/duke-university-agrees-pay-us-1125-million-settle-false-claims-act-allegations-related.

17 See Press Release, Office of Pub. Affairs, U.S. Dep't of Justice, Informatica Agrees to Pay $21.57 Million for Alleged False Claims Caused by Its Commercial Pricing Disclosures (May 13, 2019), https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/informatica-agrees-pay-2157-million-alleged-false-claims-caused-its-commercial-pricing.

18 See Press Release, Office of Pub. Affairs, U.S. Dep't of Justice, Department of Justice Issues Guidance on False Claims Act Matters and Updates Justice Manual (May 7, 2019), https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/department-justice-issues-guidance-false-claims-act-matters-and-updates-justice-manual.

19 Deputy Attorney General Rod J. Rosenstein Delivers Remarks at the American Conference Institute's 35th International Conference on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (Nov. 29, 2018), https://www.justice.gov/opa/speech/deputy-attorney-general-rod-j-rosenstein-delivers-remarks-american-conference-institute-0.

20 See U.S. Dep't of Justice, Justice Manual, Section 4-4.112.

21 Id.

22 Id.

23 Id.

24 Id.

25 Id.

26 See Memorandum, U.S. Dep't of Justice, Factors for Evaluating Dismissal Pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 3730(c)(2)(A) (Jan. 10, 2018), https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/4358602/Memo-for-

27 Id. at 2–3.

28 See Jeff Overly, DOJ Warns FCA Targets On Discovery Tactics, Law360 (Mar. 2, 2019), https://www.law360.com/articles/1134479/doj-atty-warns-fca-targets-on-discovery-tactics.

29 Id.

30 Id.

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