13 August 2007

Breathing Lessons: How CFOs Can Thrive Under Pressure

Deloitte & Touche


Deloitte & Touche
Are there CFOs who still manage to "do it all"? You bet. They’re the ones who decide for themselves what "all" really means. And that’s what Breathing Lessons is about.
United States Strategy

CFOs today find themselves scrambling in more directions than a good bartender on New Year’s Eve. And no wonder. Pressures for accountability and performance have never been higher.

The truth is, the job itself is getting out of hand. The disintegration of the chief operating officer role has left chief financial officers with a breathtaking range of new responsibilities, some of which come with the potential for jail terms.

Are there CFOs who still manage to "do it all"? You bet. They’re the ones who decide for themselves what "all" really means. And that’s what Breathing Lessons is about.

Our seventh book in the Straight Talk Series helps CFOs understand which activities and investments are truly worthwhile – and which ones are best left to someone else. It also offers practical advice to help you succeed at the things that really matter.

Order Breathing Lessons or download the pdf below.

Here’s an excerpt:

Dial tone

Every finance organization must be able to produce timely, accurate financial statements. Think of this as "dial tone" — the essential, always-on service required to support the business.

Breathing Lessons is for CFOs and finance departments who have already mastered dial tone, who reliably deliver the numbers required for routine financial reporting. Only then are they able to allocate resources to other functions that create more business value. Sketchy operations in finance pose legal and financial risks that are wholly unacceptable in companies today. They also undermine the credibility of the finance organization itself. Getting your financial house in order is your first and most important job.

Breathing Lesson Number One:

Find out what’s in the way of your organization delivering reliable dial tone. And then fix it.


Breathing Lessons (How CFOs can thrive under pressure) (559 KB)
Straight Talk Book

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