On January 6, 2016, the European Commission published a report on the effect of the revised International Accounting Standard 19 on the volatility of own funds of banks and investment firms. The Capital Requirements Regulation requires the Commission to assess whether the revised IAS 19 and the requirement on firms to deduct defined-benefit pension fund assets from Common Equity Tier 1 items for the purpose of calculating own funds would impact the volatility of the firm's own funds. The Commission has concluded that the potential additional volatility of own funds introduced by the revision of IAS 19 is limited and that the impact due to initial application has been mitigated by the transitional measures included in the CRR. The Commission therefore does not intend to propose amendments to the CRR in this regard.

The report is available at: http://ec.europa.eu/transparency/regdoc/rep/1/2015/EN/1-2015-685-EN-F1-1.PDF.

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