On September 17, 2015, US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Chairman, Martin J. Gruenberg, gave a speech at the FDIC Banking Research Conference outlining the progress made by the FDIC to date in instituting a framework under the Dodd-Frank Act for the orderly failure of large, complex, systemically important financial institutions. Among other topics, the speech addressed the FDIC's efforts to use the living will process to improve resolvability of firms under the US Bankruptcy Code, and the FDIC's progress in developing the operational capabilities to carry out a resolution under the Orderly Liquidation Authority, a public-sector bankruptcy process prescribed by the Dodd Frank Act for institutions whose resolution under the US Bankruptcy Code would pose systemic concerns. Chairman Gruenberg asserted that using the living will process to bring about changes in the structure and operations of firms to facilitate orderly resolution under bankruptcy is a statutory mandate of the FDIC, as well as being prepared to use the powers available under the Orderly Liquidation Authority to manage the orderly failure of a firm. These remarks echoed previous statements given by Chairman Gruenberg when speaking in front of the Peterson Institute for International Economics in May 2015.

The speech is available at: https://www.fdic.gov/news/news/speeches/spsep1715.html.

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