Marilou E. Watson was featured in The Legal Intelligencer  article "2015 Roundtable Discussion on Diversity Issues." Full text can be found in the June 2, 2015, issue, but a synopsis is below.

The Legal Intelligencer recently held their annual roundtable on diversity in the legal landscape in which they discussed how to recruit, hire and keep minority attorneys.

Marilou E. Watson was selected as a panelist out of a large group to discuss this issue, and said, "Anything that any firm, corporation or bar association does has to be deliberate and intentional. When you start with that and bear that in mind, you really have a great chance of reaching the goals that you have. What's really important for any organization to recognize is to know that each person has value, and to recognize the value that each of those individuals brings to the table. Just think about it from a business perspective—the way a business runs optimally is knowing what each person brings, what their strengths are and what their weaknesses are, and to really balance that out to create a team that is going to be most beneficial to your customers or those that are seeking your services."

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.