23 February 2005

Surveying Constitutional Theories for Challenges to the Add Back Statutes

Morrison & Foerster LLP


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Over the last few years, eleven separate-company filing states have enacted so-called "add back statutes" that disallow a deduction for certain payments made to affiliates. All of these states target royalties paid for the use of trademarks, tradenames or patents. Most also disallow interest deductions. In this article, we briefly survey the basic structure of these statutes with the purpose of identifying Commerce Clause arguments that might be available for challenging all or parts
United States Finance and Banking

The Commerce Clause Does Not Prohibit Multiple Taxation Per Se

Finally, under current Supreme Court precedents, the Commerce Clause does not appear to prohibit multiple taxation of income per se. Thus, where the multiple taxation arises from a conflict in the tax systems of different states, the Commerce Clause is unlikely to provide relief. See, e.g., Moorman Mfg. Co. v. Bair, 437 U.S. 267 (1978) (approving of a single sales factor apportionment formula in the face of the three-factor apportionment formula commonly used by other states); Container Corp. of Am. v. Franchise Tax Bd., supra (approving the use of worldwide combined reporting in the face of the widespread adoption by other countries of separate accounting); Zelinsky v. Appeals Tribunal, 801 N.E.2d 840 (N.Y. 2003), cert. denied, 124 S. Ct. 2068 (2004) (approving of New York’s taxation of income earned by a resident of Connecticut who was working in Connecticut based on the "convenience of the employer doctrine," despite the fact that Connecticut also claimed the income). But see Japan Line, Ltd. v. County of Los Angeles, 441 U.S. 434 (1979) (finding discrimination in violation of the Commerce Clause under a more rigorous test applied for foreign commerce where Los Angeles imposed a nondiscriminatory apportioned property tax on foreign-owned containers used in international shipping in conflict with the rule applied in Japan and other foreign countries that imposed a full (unapportioned) tax on containers that were owned, based and registered in the country).

Application of the Commerce Clause to the Add Back Statutes

Using these constitutional principles as a template, we hereafter identify theories that may be available to challenge certain of the add back statutes.

Substantial nexus

Any challenge based upon the substantial nexus prong of Complete Auto presumably would be based on the notion that the disallowance of an otherwise generally allowable deduction is effectively the equivalent of taxing the income to which it is linked.16 See Hunt-Wesson, Inc. v. Franchise Tax Board, 528 U.S. 458 (2000).17 Thus, while a state generally has broad license to determine what expenses are to be deductible from income where the deduction is tied specifically to one category of income, the disallowance of the deduction would be subject to attack if the state lacked substantial nexus to tax that income. Id.

While it may be possible to challenge the reach of the add back statutes based upon such an argument, prevailing on that position would appear to be an uphill battle. As described above, the constitutional standard governing this issue was established in the Allied Signal v. Director, Division of Taxation, supra. Under that decision, a state must simply demonstrate that the income is from operational sources rather than investment sources, a standard that would appear readily met in most cases. Allied Signal, of course, did not deal with a factual pattern such as those triggering the add back statutes, where the issue is not so much a question of the character of the income as a question of whose income it is. If one views the income as belonging to the recipient, one might well conclude that the state ought to have to show a unitary relationship between the payor and the recipient in order to compute the payor’s income by reference to the recipient’s income. Again, however, one would expect that in most cases a state would have little problem in establishing a unitary relationship between the recipient and the payor. Given that the statute is limited to affiliated taxpayers and directed toward a specific item of income (e.g., royalties) paid by one company to the other, proving such a relationship is not likely to represent a significant hurdle in most cases. See Container Corp. of Am. v. Franchise Tax Bd., supra.

Nonetheless, there may be cases where raising the issue could be determinative.

Suppose for example that in year one Company A, a large computer manufacturer, licenses valuable operating systems from Company B, a large software company. Suppose Company A and B are both publicly traded companies with no ownership overlap. Suppose that in year two, Company A acquires more than 50% of the stock of Company B and continues to pay royalties to Company B on the same terms as before the acquisition. Finally, suppose that Company A and B otherwise operate as fully autonomous businesses that do not meet the requirements of a unitary business.

Obviously, the question here is whether a state can effectively tax to Company A income that appears to belong to Company B without having to meet the requirement of showing the two businesses are, in fact, engaged in a single unitary business.

Eliminating Double Taxation in the Add Back State

In contrast, it would appear that a more serious Commerce Clause challenge could be waged against certain add back statutes based upon the discriminatory effect of their exceptions. For example, where the add back statute provides relief from double taxation only in those circumstances where both the payor and the recipient are taxable in the add back state, the exception would appear to violate the internal consistency test.

Suppose for example, that Company A and Company B are both located 100% in Connecticut. Suppose further that Company A pays a $100 royalty to Company B and that the add back statute would otherwise apply to this payment. Under 2003 Conn. Acts § 78(f) (Spec. Session), Company B will be permitted to eliminate from income any payments that were added back to Company A’s income under the add back statute.

Suppose now that Company B moves its operation into Pennsylvania, also a separate-company filing state. Company A must again add back to income the royalty paid to Company B. Assuming Pennsylvania were to adopt Connecticut’s tax system in its entirety, Pennsylvania also would tax B on the royalty received from Company A since the add back of the royalty did not arise under Pennsylvania’s statute.

Connecticut’s tax regime appears to violate the Commerce Clause in this case because the transaction between A and B is taxed only once when it occurs within a single state but is subject to multiple taxes when conducted between two states. See D.D.I., Inc. v. North Dakota, 657 N.W.2d 228 (N.D. 2003); Farmer Bros. Co. v. Franchise Tax Bd., supra (applying the internal consistency clause to transactions between two different taxpayers). 18

Benchmarking the Recipient’s Tax Burden by a Single State

At least two states, Connecticut and New Jersey, condition their exception to the add back statute by looking at whether the recipient is taxable in another state at a tax rate considered acceptably high. In this regard, the exception apparently ignores the aggregate state tax burden borne by the recipient.

Suppose for example, that Company A, located 100% in New Jersey, pays a $25 royalty to Company B, whose operations are located in four separate states: New York, Connecticut, North Carolina and Ohio. While each of these states has a tax rate that is sufficiently high to trigger an exception to the New Jersey add back statute, because B does business in all four states, the benchmark is not met.

Discriminating against one form of interstate commerce over another (i.e., between business operations conducted in multiple states rather than a single state) would certainly seem to be the type of tax prohibited by the Commerce Clause, although the authors are aware of no authority directly addressing the issue. However, such a notion draws inferential support from the Supreme Court’s decision in Kraft General Foods v. Iowa Department of Revenue & Finance, 505 U.S. 71 (1992), where the Court stuck down a tax scheme that favored domestic commerce over foreign commerce. In so doing, the Court made it clear that the absence of a benefit for local commerce does not excuse an otherwise discriminatory tax. Rather, it is the effect upon the commerce generally (in that case providing a more favorable dividend deduction for domestic dividends than for foreign dividends) that determines whether the system offends the Commerce Clause. Cf. Halliburton Oil Well Cementing Co. v. Reily, 373 U.S. 64, 72 (suggesting that Commerce Clause protections are intended to protect taxpayers from having to make economic decisions to concentrate or disburse business operations based upon state tax laws).

Discrimination in Favor of Foreign Commerce

It would appear that a challenge might also be possible against add back statutes that favor foreign commerce over domestic commerce, although the authority for any such challenge is considerably less clear. The Connecticut add back statute also serves as an example for this type of challenge. Under that statute, if the recipient of a royalty operates in a country in which there is a comprehensive income tax treaty with the United States, the payor need not add back the royalty, regardless of the rate of taxation imposed upon the recipient. See Conn. Dep’t of Revenue Services, Special Notice 2003(22), Jul. 8, 2004. In contrast, where the royalty is paid to a domestic entity, the payor must show that the recipient is taxed on the item at a tax rate in excess of Connecticut’s tax rate less three percent to qualify for the exception to the add back requirement. See 2003 Conn. Acts § 78(c) (Spec. Sess.). Arguably, providing a more favorable tax deduction for foreign commerce may be viewed as unconstitutional discrimination against domestic commerce.

As noted, there is authority establishing that domestic commerce may not be favored over foreign commerce. See Kraft Gen. Foods v. Iowa Dep’t of Revenue and Fin., supra. However, we are aware of no authority for the converse proposition. Indeed, one may well argue that the Supreme Court’s decision in Japan Line, Ltd v. County of Los Angeles, supra, establishes just the opposite because the Court in that case suggested that the Commerce Clause is more protective of commerce in the international setting than it is of domestic commerce.

Disallowance Based Upon the Recipient’s Presence in a State With a Favorable Tax Regime

Perhaps the most fundamental constitutional question presented by the add back statutes is whether a state, by its tax regime, may effectively penalize a taxpayer for doing business with an affiliate that operates in another state with a favorable tax regime.19 A taxpayer bringing such a challenge must largely operate in uncharted territory although, on a visceral level, the theory for such a challenge finds support in Supreme Court decisions approving of state tax incentives as a means for states to compete in interstate commerce.20 Consider the following example:

Suppose that Company A is located 100% in Connecticut and borrows all of its capital from Company B, located 100% in New York. Suppose further that Company A pays $100 in interest to Company B. Because New York taxes Company B on the receipt of that interest at the NY tax rate of 7.5%, Connecticut allows Company A to reduce its income by the amount of the interest payment.

Suppose now that New York determines that to retain its status as a financial center, it must amend its state income tax to reduce the tax rate on interest to 1%. As a consequence, Connecticut now disallows Company A’s $100 interest deduction.

Whether viewed from the point of view of Company A or the point of view of the New York policy makers, Connecticut’s reaction to the New York change in policy seems to thrust Connecticut beyond its boundaries into matters properly within the discretion of New York. In effect, Connecticut’s imposition of the tax on Company A directly frustrates New York’s policy change. While this example may seem a bit far fetched, consider the result where Company B simply decides to move to Nevada, which currently forgoes the taxation of income in order to attract business to the state. Or consider states like Ohio, where state tax authorities encourage relocation of industry by offering credits against tax for extended periods of time. If Connecticut can frustrate such policies by disallowing a deduction for interest and royalty payments, could Connecticut broadly disallow a deduction for other business transactions where the recipient is operating in a tax-favored jurisdiction?

While Connecticut may be expected to argue that its add back statute is surgically directed at "abusive tax planning" involving loans and trademarks, in actual fact, the statutes reach many commonplace business transactions, such as intercompany financing done wholly for nontax reasons. Nonetheless, if the lender of such amounts is located in a unitary combination state or a state with no income tax, the borrower is denied a deduction. If, instead, the lender moves to a separate-company filing state, the borrower is now permitted to deduct the interest. Again, there seems to be something odd, and untoward, if not unconstitutional, about Connecticut’s influence over that decision.

The authors are aware of no direct authority supporting a challenge on this theory. However, the add back statutes may be generally compared to the New Hampshire tax considered in Austin v. New Hampshire, 420 U.S. 656 (1975). In that case, the New Hampshire tax was imposed only on nonresidents from states that would grant a credit for the amount of the New Hampshire tax. New Hampshire sought to defend the discriminatory tax by arguing that the other states could simply repeal their credit for the New Hampshire tax to "reclaim" the taxable income. Thus, the state argued:

[T]he argument advanced in favor of the tax is that the ultimate burden it imposes is "not more onerous in effect," [citation omitted] on nonresidents because their total state liability is unchanged once the tax credit they receive from their State of residence is taken into account.

Id. at 665-666. But the Court rejected this argument:

According to the State’s theory of the case, the only practical effect of the tax is to divert to New Hampshire tax revenues that would otherwise be paid to Maine, an effect entirely within Maine’s power to terminate by repeal of its credit provision for income taxes paid to another State. The Maine Legislature could do this, presumably, by amending the provision so as to deny a credit for taxes paid to New Hampshire while retaining it for the other 48 States. Putting aside the acceptability of such a scheme, and the relevance of any increase in appellants’ home state taxes that the diversionary effect is said to have, [footnote omitted], we do not think the possibility that Maine could shield its residents from New Hampshire’s tax cures the constitutional defect of the discrimination in that tax.

Id. at 666-667. It is important, of course, to recognize that the tax considered in Austin was facially discriminatory in that no similar tax was imposed upon New Hampshire residents. Thus, the opinion may be limited to the simple proposition that an otherwise discriminatory tax may not be upheld merely because another state may by legislation eliminate the tax by imposing its own tax. However, the decision itself appears also to be grounded in the notion that New Hampshire was overreaching in imposing its tax. Certainly, the taxpayer suffered no significant harm through New Hampshire’s imposition, as the New Hampshire tax simply replaced, dollar-for-dollar, the tax that Maine would have imposed. See Justice Blackmun in dissent at 668-669; compare Private Truck Council, Inc. v. Secretary of State, 503 A.2d 214 (1986), cert. denied 476 U.S. 1129 (1986) (striking down a "third structure" flat tax imposed only on trucks registered in other states imposing a similar "third structure" tax where the purpose of Maine’s discriminatory tax was to coerce the other states to repeal these taxes).

In this regard, the taxes imposed upon the payor of a royalty or interest by the payor state could similarly be eliminated by a decision of the state in which the recipient is located to adopt a separate-company filing requirement and impose a tax at a rate sufficiently high to meet the benchmark set by the payor state.21 Yet, like the tax considered in Austin, there would seem to be something misdirected about a state simply imposing its tax because its sister state has a tax regime that allows for it.

Disallowing a Deduction Has the Effect of Re-Sourcing Income to the Add Back State

At the end of the day, the add back statutes may simply be viewed as a state’s attempt to allocate the income associated with the intangible asset, whether it be a loan or a trademark, into the state where the payor is located.22 When one considers that a state is effectively taxing income theoretically earned by another taxpayer (e.g., the lender in an intercompany loan situation), it may be argued that the add back state’s taxing system must provide for some factor representation of the recipient in addition to the unitary relationship, discussed earlier. Certainly that would be true if the state simply required the payor and the payee to file a combined report because they were unitary. The issue may be illustrated by reference to the example we described in our discussion of the requirement that there be substantial nexus with the income the add back state seeks to tax:

Recall that in this example, Company A licenses software from Company B. In year one, both are large publicly traded entities. In year two, Company A acquires more than 50% of Company B’s stock but otherwise the two large companies continue to operate independently.

In the prior discussion, we asked whether a state should be able to tax the royalty income of Company B by disallowing the deduction for A, without meeting the requirement of showing that the two businesses were engaged in a unitary relationship. Here, we pose a related question, should the state be required to provide some factor representation for B’s operation in deciding the source of the income taxed to A?

Because the taxation occurs as a result of the disallowance of A’s deduction and a tax imposed on A, the closest authority concerning this issue may be that which has arisen in the context of whether dividend income received by a taxpayer from foreign entities must be apportioned under a system that provides for factor representation for the dividend paying entities. Unfortunately, such arguments have not fared well in the courts, although the principles continue to seem unassailable to the authors. See also Hellerstein & Hellerstein, State Taxation, 9.15[4][a] (2004 Cumm. Supp. No. 2).


Litigation testing the new add back statutes has just begun. Attacks based upon existing Commerce Clause precedents are most likely to be directed toward the working of particular discrete exceptions rather than the general add back rules themselves. However, because the exceptions often go to the fundamental mechanics of the statutes, a successful attack on the workings of an exception may have the effect of invalidating the entire disallowance statute. See Calfarm Ins. Co. v. Deukmejian, 48 Cal. 3d 805, 821 (1989) ("The final determination [whether a statute or portion thereof is severable] depends on whether the remainder . . . is complete in itself and would have been adopted by the legislative body had the latter foreseen the partial invalidity of the statute. . . or constitutes a completely operative expression of the legislative intent. . ."); Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees Int’l Union v. Davis, 21 Cal. 4th 585, 612-13 (1999) (an "invalid part can be severed if, and only if, it is ‘grammatically, functionally and volitionally separable.’")

An attack based upon the core issue, namely the right of a state to penalize a taxpayer for doing business with an affiliate in a state that provides a favorable tax regime, will probably require blazing new ground. Whether those types of challenges will be successful remains to be seen.

Finally, it should be noted that the constitutional issues presented by the add back statutes may be readily resolved simply by adopting a combined reporting system such as that pioneered by California. Because the add back statutes have been adopted to resolve a perceived "loophole," it seems unlikely that separate-company filing states will simply accept a return to the prior state of affairs if such statutes are successfully challenged. Thus, taxpayers should be mindful of the ultimate results a successful challenge to the statute might bring.


1:See Ala. Code § 40-18-35(b); Ark. Code § 26-51-423(g)(1); Conn. Stat. § 12-218c; 2003 Conn. Acts § 78 (Spec. Session); Md. Code § 10-306.1; Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 63 §§ 30.4, 31I, 31J, 31K; Miss. Code § 27-7-17(2); Ohio Rev. Code § 5733.042; N.C. Stat. §§ 105-130.5, 105-130.6, 105-130.7A; N.J. Rev. Stat. § 54:10A-4(k)(2)(I); N.J. Rev. Stat. § 54:10A-4.4; N.Y. Tax Law § 208(9)(o); Va. Code § 58.1-402B(8)-(9).
Other separate-company filing states have enacted provisions that address intercompany transactions, but which are not conventional add back statutes. See, e.g., Del. Code tit. 30 § 1903; Ky. Rev. Stat. § 141.205; La. Rev. Stat. § 47:287.738; Tenn. Code § 67-4-2004.

2: Alabama, Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey and Ohio disallow all intercompany interest expense. See Ala. Code § 40-18-35(b); Conn. Stat. § 12-218c.(a)(4); 2003 Conn. Acts § 78(a)(2) (Spec. Session); Md. Code § 10-306.1(a)(7); N.J. Rev. Stat. § 54:10A-4(k)(2)(I); Ohio Rev. Code § 5733.042(A)(4). However, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina and Virginia disallow interest payments to affiliates only when such payments are associated with intangible property. See Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 63 §§ 31I(a); Miss. Code § 27-7-17(2)(a)(iii); N.Y. Tax Law § 208(9)(o)(1)(C); N.C. Stat. §§ 105-130.7A(b)(6); Va. Code § 58.1-302.

3: For an overview of these statutes, also see Hellerstein & Hellerstein, State Taxation, 7.13[3] (2004 Cumm. Supp. No. 2).

4: The definition of what constitutes an intangible expense or interest subject to disallowance varies among the statutes. For example, New Jersey requires I.R.C. section 197 amortization costs to be added back if they are attributable to an intangible asset acquired from a related member. See N.J. Div. of Taxation, Questions and Answers Regarding the Business Tax Reform Act 2002, Jan. 6, 2004, Question No. 13. Also, as illustrated by the Maryland statute, some states include losses incurred while selling receivables (factoring) to an affiliate within the definition of an intangible expense. See Ala. Code § 40-18-1(9); Conn. Stat. § 12-218c.(a)(2); Md. Code § 10-306.1(a)(5)(ii); Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 63 § 31I(a)(2); Miss. Code § 27-7-17(2)(a)(i); N.J. Rev. Stat. § 54:10A-4.4(a); Ohio Rev. Code § 5733.042(A)(3); Va. Code § 58.1-302. Other states appear not to require such expenses to be added back.

5: Indeed, in some states, the exceptions provided for intangible expenses are different from those provided for interest expenses. For example, Connecticut provided different exceptions when it enacted its interest disallowance during a different legislative session than its intangible disallowance. See, e.g., Conn. Stat. § 12-218c; 2003 Conn. Acts § 78 (Spec. Session).

6: See, e.g., Md. Code § 10-306.1(c).

7: See, e.g., Conn. Dep’t of Revenue Services, Special Notice 2003(22), Jul. 8, 2004.

8: A variation of this exception is available in Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Virginia. See Ala. Code § 40-18-35(b)(1); Ark. Code § 26-51-423(g)(1)(A); 2003 Conn. Acts § 78(c) (Spec. Session); Md. Code § 10-306.1(c)(3)(ii); Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 63 § 31J; N.J. Rev. Stat. § 54:10A-4(k)(2)(I); Va. Code § 58:1-402(B)(8)-(9).

9: As discussed below, although New Jersey’s formula technically looks to whether the recipient is taxable at a sufficient high rate, in many cases, the payor’s New Jersey apportionment factor actually will be determinative of whether the exception applies.

10: Despite the limitation in the statutory exception, Connecticut explicitly provides an opportunity to seek relief if the recipient’s aggregate rate of tax (for all states) exceeds the benchmark. See Conn. Dep’t of Revenue Services, Special Notice 2003(22), Jul. 8, 2004. However, to obtain such relief, a taxpayer must seek relief under the state’s reasonableness exception, which requires the taxpayer to file a petition prior to paying the tax and establish, by clear and convincing evidence, that the add back of such expenses is unreasonable. Id.

11: A variation of this exception can be found in Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Virginia. See, e.g., Ala. Code § 40-18-35(b)(1); Ark. Code § 26-51-423(g)(1)(A); 2003 Conn. Acts § 78(c) (Spec. Session); Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 63 § 31J(b); N.J. Rev. Stat. § 54:10A-4(k)(2)(I); N.J. Rev. Stat. § 54:10A-4.4(c)(1)(a); N.Y. Tax Law § 208(9)(o)(2)(B); Va. Code § 58.1-402B(8).

12: A variation of this exception can be found in Alabama, Mississippi and Virginia. See, e.g., Ala. Code § 40-18-35(b)(3); Miss. Code § 27-7-17(2)(c)(ii); Va. Code § 58.1-402B(8)-(9).

13: A variation of this exception can be found in Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, Ohio and Virginia. See, e.g., Conn. Stat. § 12-218c.(c)(2); Md. Code § 10-306.1(c)(3)(i); Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 63 § 31I(c)(ii); Miss. Code § 27-7-17(2)(c)(i); N.J. Rev. Stat. § 54:10A-4(k)(2); N.J. Rev. Stat. § 54:10A-4.4(c)(3); NY. Tax Law § 208(9)(o)(2)(B)(i); Ohio Rev. Code § 5733.042(D)(2)(a); Va. Code § 58.1-402B(8)(a)(3).

14: A variation of this exception can be found in Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio and Virginia. See, e.g., Ala. Code § 40-18-35(b)(2); Ark. Code § 26-51-423(g)(1)(C); Conn. Stat. § 12-218c.(c)(1); 2003 Conn. Acts § 78(d)(1) (Spec. Session); Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 63 §§ 31I(c)(i), 31J(a); N.J. Rev. Stat. § 54:10A-4(k)(2)(I); N.J. Rev. Stat. § 54:10A-4.4(c)(1)(b)-(c); Ohio Rev. Code § 5733.042(D)(1); Va. Code § 58.1-402B(8)(b) and 9(b).

15: In more recent decisions, the Court has acknowledged that the internal consistency test also serves to identify whether a tax is discriminatory. See Armco, Inc. v. Hardesty, supra; Farmer Bros. Co. v. Franchise Tax Bd., supra.

16:Because the add back statute seeks to impose a tax on the payor (by disallowing the deduction), who is present in the taxing state, these statutes effectively sidestep the related nexus issue, i.e., can the state impose a tax on a recipient that has no physical presence within the state? As noted, this issue is currently the subject of judicial litigation in a number of states. See A&F Trademark, Inc. v. Tolson, supra, Lanco, Inc. v. Dir., Div. of Taxation, supra. The two issues are, of course, related. Assuming that the add back state can establish that the income arose from sources within the state, i.e., that the state has transactional nexus with the income (and that it is fairly apportioned), there would appear to be no constitutional impediment to the add back state’s decision to collect the tax from the payor even if the tax itself may be viewed as being imposed upon the recipient. See International Harvester Co. v. Wisconsin Dep’t of Taxation, 322 U.S. 435 (1944)) (based upon the fact that the earnings involved arose from within the taxing state, the Court required a corporation to pay a tax on dividends declared even though Wisconsin courts had previously construed the statute as imposing the tax on the shareholders (including out-of-state shareholders)).

17: In Hunt Wesson, supra, of course, the interest deduction was calibrated to income items (non business dividends) that were independent of the payment of the interest. Here the state is effectively disallowing a deduction that produces the income that the state wishes to re-source to itself. Thus, the deduction and the income items (viewed from the perspective of the recipient) are inextricably intertwined in the add back statutes, making any challenge based upon the remoteness of the income item perplexing.

18: As described above, the North Carolina add back statute similarly limits relief for the payor to those cases where the payee includes the item in its income. See N.C. Gen. Stat. § 105-130.7A.(a). However, because the North Carolina statute explicitly limits its reach to income arising from the use of intangibles within the state of North Carolina, were that statute to be replicated in other states, there would not appear to be any meaningful risk of multiple taxation since each state would simply impose tax on intangible income arising from within its borders. However, such a conclusion may be overly simplistic in that it assumes that the state would not, under its general income tax principles, otherwise impose a tax on royalties received by a company doing business within the state that arise from the use of intangible property used in other states. Assuming that the general income tax does impose such a tax under those circumstances, then North Carolina’s system could be viewed as violating the internal consistency because it apparently relieves multiple taxation only where both the recipient and payor are fully taxable in the state on income earned from within the state.

19: We recognize that a state might well argue that the exception mechanism described in this section operates in many ways like a typical tax credit by which a taxpayer may be relieved of, say, a use tax if it proves the transaction was previously subject to a sales tax. So viewed, it is difficult to argue that the add back exception presents unsettled constitutional problems. Nonetheless, the parallel to such credit mechanisms seems incomplete. In particular, because the add back statutes are an exception to an otherwise generally allocable deduction, the add back seems directly targeted at the income that otherwise would be taxed by another state. See Hunt-Wesson, Inc. v. Franchise Tax Board, supra. Moreover, in contrast to a typical credit mechanism, as described above, the exception mechanism is not fully calibrated to the amount of tax claimed by the other state. Rather, the exception requires that the recipient state adopt a tax policy that the payor state considers acceptable (i.e., that the recipient state utilize a separate company filing regime and adopt a tax rate that this sufficiently high to discourage any advantage to locating within the recipient state). Because of these features, the add back statutes and their exceptions simply seem more intrusive on the policies of their sister states.

20: But see Cuno v. DaimlerChrysler, Inc., 383 F.3d 379 (6th Cir. Ohio 2004), petition for reconsideration pending (striking down as violative of the Commerce Clause Ohio investment tax credits granted to DaimlerChrysler for purchasing new manufacturing machinery and equipment during the qualifying period, provided that the new manufacturing machinery and equipment are installed in Ohio).

21: See the discussion regarding the exception that applies where the recipient is taxable on the income by the add back state or another state, supra.

22: See Thomas H. Steele & Neil I. Pomerantz, Source-Based Taxation of Intangible Income: A Critique of Morton Thiokol and Ohio’s Add-Back
Provisions, State & Local Tax Insights, Sept. 1998.

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