Originally published on The Nano Newswire

As we struggle to decrease our dependence on oil and fossil fuels, scientists toil to develop clean alternatives. One of the problems with alternative energy, however, is it's soaring price tag – but not for long.

Scientists at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory have created what they are calling "nanocones"," nano-sized semiconductor cones which allow for an 80% increase in light-to-electricity efficiency. The increased output may pave the way to making solar power affordable.

Jun Xu, a member of Oak Ridge Natural Laboratory's Chemical Sciences Division, explained that one of the problems with solar power is low efficiency rates for charge collection. The nanocone's three-dimensional structure attacks this problem head on, allowing for "high efficiency in converting energy from sunlight into electricity." .

Given that scientists have long speculated that cone shapes have a strong ability to channel energy, these new nanocones may have even greater potential in harnessing alternative energy sources


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