30 April 1998

Trademark Violation Is An Automatic Unfair Competition Under The Turkish Law

Mehmet Gun & Co


Mehmet Gun & Co
Turkey Information Technology and Telecoms
Cumulative remedies under the Turkish Trademark Act and the Commercial Code makes trademark violations automatically unfair competition.

Use of signs or names the same or confusingly similar to a competitor's registered trademark constitutes trademark violation and clearly prohibited by The Turkish Trademark Act.

Article 57/5 of the Turkish Commercial Code describes trademark violation among the causes of unfair competition.

Article 57/last of the Commercial Code also describes the non-compliance with the rules and regulations prevailing also on the competitors also as an unfair competition. As trademark violation is a non compliance with the prevailing Trademark Act it also constitutes a cause for unfair competition.

Statutory Limitation period for unfair competition is three years from last occurrence while the trademark violation is subject to a maximum seven and a half years period which extends the limitation period for unfair competition in case of trademark violation.

The content of this article is to provide only a general information on the subject. Legal advice should be sought for any specific circumstances.

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