8 October 1998

Jersey as a Finance Centre

Jersey Wealth Management
Jersey's reputation as a leading offshore finance centre has gone from strength to strength in the last 30 years. Presently, there are 82 banks registered in the island holding £97 billion in Sterling and foreign currency deposits. The total value of collective investment funds is £35 billion with considerably greater amounts held in private funds, trust and offshore companies. Over 10,000 people work in the finance industry and provide high standards of banking, accountancy, legal and fiduciary services. Jersey's niche in the offshore finance industry is based on one word "expertise".

Having created an environment in which reputable companies and individuals can place funds and conduct business offshore, Jersey has sustained its credentials by the regulation of professional standards. Jersey's financial institutions are closely scrutinised to ensure their activities are legitimate, a surveillance reinforced by supporting legislation which discourages misconduct and illegal dealings.

Such are the benefits of channelling funds through this safe, yet sophisticated island, with its dynamic business community and vibrant economy, that Jersey continues to attract large numbers of new investors and finance houses every year.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

For further information please contact:

Veronica Tonge
Ernst & Young Trust Company (Jersey) Limited
PO Box 621
Le Gallais Chambers
54 Bath Street
St Helier
Channel Islands

Tel No: 01534 501000
Fax No: 01534 23265
E-Mail:  Click Contact Link 
URL:     Click Contact Link 

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