Article by Prabh Singh and Miriam Pozza

PwC and BIOTECanada invite Canada's Life Sciences and Biotechnology sectors to participate in the fourth Canadian Life Sciences Forecast.

The leading edge survey will gauge challenges and issues facing the Life Sciences and Biotechnology industry. The survey's results will be released in the Canadian Life Sciences Forecast 2013, in January 2013.

The report will provide a unique perspective on current issues, forecasted trends and implications for the Canadian Life Sciences and Biotechnology industry and will draw on survey responses from Canadian executives and stakeholders. If you are a member of the Life Sciences and Biotechnology industry, PwC and BIOTECanada invite you to participate in this important senior executive survey. The project's national launch will provide the results to the media and general public. All individual responses are completely confidential and will not be disclosed to any third party. Only aggregated data will be reported.

To participate in this year's survey, please click here.

Thought Leadership

mHealth Insights: Intelligent healthcare through mhealth

New mobile information technologies, combined with innovative business models, offer consumers the promise of greater control over their health, more choice, better access and a decrease in overall costs.

We call this new paradigm intelligent healthcare, and it is primed for significant global growth, with benefits such as:

  • Apps that act as a "clinician in a box"—using sensors, algorithms and artificial intelligence designed to simulate the advice of a clinician.
  • Empowering patients to self-help, and healthier behaviours, while helping transform healthcare into a more productive state.
  • Tools offering constant expert clinical advice and support, particularly for chronic diseases which require continual management.

Download the September issue of mHealth Insights to find out how developers of "intelligent healthcare apps" can navigate the regulatory requirements, ensure clinical efficacy, determine payment structures—and leverage the abundant opportunities available in this area of growing market interest.

Customer experience in health care: The moment of truth

Health care companies are finding their own moments of truth where they engage in new thinking about their customers. Whether these moments are prompted by inspiration from other industries, competition, health reform, consumer demands or the bottom line, agile companies are changing the way they get to know their customers, moving beyond basic transactions and embracing their patients and members as consumers and customers.

MoneyTreeTM : Dollar drought

US venture capital funding for the life sciences sector, The MoneyTree life sciences sector includes the biotechnology and medical device and equipment industries. Investments in these industries fell 39% in dollars and 22% in number of deals during the second quarter of 2012 from the same quarter of last year, according to the MoneyTreeTM Report from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) LLP and the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) based on data provided by Thomson Reuters. Venture capitalists invested $1.4 billion in 174 life sciences deals, continuing a decline spanning four consecutive quarters.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.