Timely information. Up-to-date legislative provisions. Insightful commentary. That's precisely the type of content you'll find in this year's edition of Doing Business in Canada — making this guide an invaluable resource for anyone who is thinking about establishing or acquiring a business in Canada.

Developed by McCarthy Tétrault and recently updated for 2011, Doing Business in Canada provides a broad overview of the legal considerations that non-residents should take into account to help ensure their success as they enter into a business venture in Canada.

Although each section of the guide offers general information about a particular area of law, we encourage you to consult one of our lawyers so you can gain a more comprehensive analysis of the legal implications of your proposed investment.

Download the 2011 edition of Doing Business in Canada.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.