Enmax Energy has begun installing renewable energy systems for residential consumers across Alberta with funding from the Climate Change and Emissions Management (CCEMC) Corporation. The CCEMC allocated roughly $14.5 million to Enmax to partially fund the installation of 9,000 residential renewable energy systems. The systems include both solar photovoltaic and wind power technologies which will produce electricity for household consumption, while returning excess electricity to the grid. The installations are expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 600,000 tonnes CO2-equivalent. In addition to the GHG reductions, the visibility of the installations could spur further residential renewable energy development. The CCEMC's support will contribute to immediate and direct GHG reductions, while facilitating innovative energy use solutions for Albertans.

More information on the Enmax program can be found here: http://www.generatechoice.ca/

Patrick Stratton, Student-at-Law

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