25 September 1997

Volatile Markets On Amsterdam Exchanges

Amsterdam Exchanges NV


Amsterdam Exchanges NV
Netherlands Antitrust/Competition Law
On the markets organised by Amsterdam Exchanges, August was an extremely hectic month with major price fluctuations. The volatility of individual stocks was reflected in the daily price movements of the AEX-index. Measured in points, the index for the 25 most-traded issues on Amsterdam Exchanges this month recorded both the largest one-day gain and the biggest one-day loss in its history.

In an effort to subdue the volatility of the AEX-index, the financial markets of Amsterdam Exchanges repeatedly invoked what is known as the 2% rule. This rule comes into force when the AEX-index has risen or fallen by more than 2% during a one-hour period. On Friday, 15 August, trading ceased for the day at 16.24 hrs after the AEX-index had fallen by 5% in comparison with the opening level.


On the AEX-Effectenbeurs heavy trading in stocks and bonds generated high turnover. Total August turnover of stocks and bonds amounted to 20.1 bn, an increase of 26.35% in comparison with August 1996.

Even more remarkable was the substantial rise in the number of transactions by 147.9% to 824,989. The number of transactions on the AEX-Effectenbeurs during the first eight months of this year has risen to 5.7 million, an increase of 78% in comparison with the same period in 1996.

Price moves on the AEX-Effectenbeurs were affected by several factors, including the value of the American dollar and share prices on Wall Street, growing fear of interest rate hikes and by the half-year figures published by many Dutch companies.

The AEX-index sky-rocketed to a record high of 1011.62 this past month, an increase of 52% in comparison with the index's opening level in 1997. However, the index dropped below the 900 level later in the period and closed the month at 868.29.


August turnover on the AEX-Optiebeurs amounted to 4.9 million contracts, an increase of 132% in comparison with August of 1996. Premium volume in the same period rose by 419% by 5.1bn.

During the first eight months of this year, the number of traded contracts rose by 88% to 34 million. Premium turnover in the same period rose by 263% to 83bn.

Individual shares, and hence the AEX-index, experienced substantial price fluctuations. The biggest one-day gain was recorded on 19 August, when the AEX-index picked up 29.97 points in a single day. The biggest loss - 42.64 points - was recorded on 13 August.

As a result of the enormous volatility of shares prices, volatility on the AEX-Optiebeurs rose across the board. The 3-month volatility of the AEX-index climbed from 16.35 on 1 August to 25.12 at the beginning of September. Individual stocks experienced even greater increases in volatility. The 3-month volatility of Hoogovens stocks jumped from 24.92 to 42.27 during the same period.

Volatility is an important tool in determining the theoretical value of options. The more volatile the stock, the greater the chance that an option on the stock will acquire - or lose - intrinsic value.

AEX-Agrarische Termijnmarkt

AEX-Agrarische Termijnmarkt, the agricultural futuresmarket of Amsterdam Exchanges, traded more contracts than in the same month last year, and turnover was also higher than in July of 1997. Total August turnover reached 16,474 contracts.

With a turnover of 13,712 contracts, potato futures were responsible for the lion's share of this total. Here too, prices were volatile as an August heat wave caused the price the potato futures contract to rise by more than 10% on 12 August.

Monthly statistics Amsterdam Exchanges August '97

Indices  August '97  August '96    change    end '96    change
   AEX         868        551      57.6%       648      33.95%
   AMX       1,367        839      62.9%       939      45.68%
  TOPS       1,524        832      83.1%     1,024      48.78%
  E100       2,135      1,409      51.6%     1,613      32.37%

AEX-Effectenbeurs              August '97 August '96    change
Turnover (in Dfl, mln)
Shares                            114,063     42,812    166.4%
Bonds                              86,981    116,393    -25.3%
NMM                                    16          -      0.0%
Total                             201,061    159,204     26.3%

Stocks                            794,550    297,779    166.4%
Bonds                              28,642     34,982    -18.1%
NMAX                                1,797          -      0.0%
Total                             824,989    332,761    147.9%

AEX-Clearing & Depository      August '97 August '96    change
Clearing & Depository             792,569    304,308    160.4%
ASAS                               20,946     12,726     64.6%

AEX-Optiebeurs                 August '97August '96     change
Premium turnover (in Dfl. mln)
Indices                             5,148       993     418.6%
Shares                              7,588     1,374     452.3%

Total                              12,876     2,414     433.5%

Indices                          801,645    511,928      56.6%
Shares                         3,759,292  1,420,677     164.6%
Futures                          265,693    129,675     104.9%
Other                            117,834     72,038      63.6%
Total                          4,944,464  2,134,318     131.7%

Exercised contracts
Indices                          53,242      27,057      96.8%
Shares                          174,451     119,145      46.4%
Futures                           8,403       4,063     106.8%
Other                             8,554      11,976     -28.6%
Total                           244,650     162,241      50.8%

AEX-Agrarische Termijranarkt August '97  August '96     change

Live Hogs                         2,706       7,877     -65.6%
Potatoes                         13,712       5,376     115.1%
Piglets                              56         141     -60.3%
Total                            16,474      13,394      23.0%

Indices       August 97  August 96  change  end 96
AEX           868        551        57.6%   648         33.95%
AMX           1,367      839        62.9%   938         45.68%
Dutch Top5    1,524      832        83.1%   1,024       48.78%
FTSE E100     2,135      1,049      51.6%   1,613       32.37%

AEX-Effectenbeurs             Y.T.D. '97     Y.T.D. '96  change
Turnover (in Dfl. mln)
Stocks                           764,369     414,172      84.6%
Bonds                            764,966     935,118     -18.2%
NMM                                  221           -       0.0%
Total                          1,529,556   1,349,290      13.4%

Stocks                         5,347,238   2,867,627      86.5%
Bonds                            287,987     309,433      -6.9%
NMAX                              22,758           -       0.0%
Total                          5,657,983   3,177,060      78.1%

AEX-Clearing & Depository     Y.T.D. '97  Y.T.D. '96     change

Clearing & Settlement        5,380,996     2,903,842      85.3%
ASAS                           256,674       172,230      49.0%

AEX-Optiebeurs              Y.T.D. '97    Y.T.D. '96     change
Premium turnover (in Dfl. ln)
Indices                         29,790         9,054     229.0%
Shares                          52,136        13,151     296.4%
Other                            1,049           653      60.6%
Total                           82,975        22,858     263.0%

Indices                      6,020,478     4,470,565      34.7%
Shares                      25,431,712    11,751,617     116.4%
Futures                      1,684,186       988,413      70.4%
Other                          881,718       899,642      -2.0%
Total                       34,018,094    18,110,237      87.8%

Exercised contracts
Indices                        383,625       219,727      74.6%
Shares                       1,549,858     1,081,910      43.3%
Futures                         46,473        32,906      41.2%
Other                           76,975       114,365     -32.7%
Total                        2,056,931     1,448,908      42.0%

AEX-Agrarische Termijnmarkt  Y.T.D. 97    Y.T.D. '96     change

Live Hogs                       40,968        33,090      23.8%
Potatoes                        52,798        63,989     -17.5%
Piglets                          2,053         1,985       3.4%
Total                           95,819        99,064      -3.3%

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

For further information contact Thom Hoedemakers, Amsterdam Exchanges AEX Amsterdam: 00 31 20 550 4540 or Paddy Manning, St James Corporate Communications London: 44 171 436 4101.
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