21 November 2019

Inside track: Construction & Infrastructure - In the media, reports and cases

Holding Redlich


Holding Redlich, a national commercial law firm with offices in Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane, and Cairns, delivers tailored solutions with expert legal thinking and industry knowledge, prioritizing client partnerships.
The article includes links to recent media releases, reports and cases relating to construction and infrastructure.
Australia Real Estate and Construction

In the media

Cranes popping up across the country as construction picks up
Sustained demand for high-quality commercial projects in Sydney and Melbourne has seen construction activity pick up across major city markets (30 October 2019). More...

$165 billion in sustainable infrastructure underscores an unmissable opportunity
A project database of $165 billion underscores the "unmissable opportunity" for sustainable infrastructure to enhance productivity and quality of life while reducing environmental impact, says the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA) (30 October 2019). More...

Builders call on Senate to pass Ensuring Integrity Laws
The Senate should pass the Ensuring Integrity Bill following its endorsement by the Senate Committee Inquiry, CEO of Master Builders Australia said. The Ensuring Integrity Laws will see a comprehensive set of laws that will ensure all Registered Organisations, both employer organisations and unions, play by the rules (25 October 2019). More...

BDAV: Proactive regulatory enforcement will rebuild the construction industry
Good regulatory enforcement is essential to building quality, and a good construction specification is essential for protecting the owners and users of buildings, as well as building designers (21 October 2019). More...


Government intensifies crackdown on dodgy developers
The Victorian government has vowed to crackdown on developers and builders engaging in illegal phoenix activity as part of a suite of protections for building and apartment owners. In a bill introduced to Parliament, the Andrews' government will expand the powers of the Victorian Building Authority (29 October 2019). More...

Fewer Delays, Better Scrutiny in Planning and Building
Up to $600 million economic growth could be created across the Victorian economy each year through more efficient approvals in the state's planning and building systems, according to a discussion paper from Better Regulation Victoria (24 October 2019). More...

Victoria's big build showcased in China
Victoria's massive pipeline of infrastructure projects has been showcased to major Chinese construction companies and investors, as part of Premier Daniel Andrews sixth official visit to China (23 October 2019). More...

New South Wales

Federal Government must contribute to Sydney Metro Network
The Federal Government's main role in supporting Australia's growing cities should be to help fund new metro rail networks, says the Urban Taskforce. The big game changer in Australia's cities as they grow is to move away from car dependency towards a 'turn up and go' metro rail system with urban density built around the stations (29 October 2019). More...

Sydney's high-rise site sales tumble
Sales of residential development sites in Sydney plummeted in the 2019 financial year, dampened by funding difficulties, weakened demand, and construction issues, according to Knight Frank's latest Australian Residential Development Review (25 October 2019). More...

Sydney will never have a world-class public transport system, leading urban planning strategist says
A leading international transportation strategist says Sydney can never have a world-class public transport system, despite the NSW Government's record investment in major projects (24 October 2019). More...


$481 million Edmonton to Gordonvale works contract awarded
The single biggest road project for Far North Queensland is another step closer with the construction contract for the Bruce Highway – Cairns Southern Access Corridor – Stage 3: Edmonton to Gordonvale project awarded (25 October 2019). More...

Operation Safeguard uncovers non-compliance
Operation Safeguard, a multi-agency blitz on Gold Coast construction sites, uncovered various non-compliance issues over two days in June. The QBCC's Plumbing Investigators discovered unsupervised and unlicensed work and non-compliant plumbing work involving the installation of temporary buildings (25 October 2019). More...

"A giant leap forward for solving M1 congestion" State Government starts work on second M1
Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk has today confirmed that consultation for stage one of the 'Coomera Connector' will begin next month, with the road promising to provide relief for the hundreds of thousands of motorists stuck in gridlock between Brisbane and the Gold Coast daily (24 October 2019). More...


Recycling and resource recovery infrastructure
Infrastructure Victoria: 21 October 2019
Infrastructure Victoria has released its early findings for public comment in developing advice to government on how Victoria can build a better recycling and resource recovery industry. This paper outlines the options that are available. More...

Right time, right place, right price: a practical plan for congestion charging in Sydney and Melbourne
Marion Terrill, Greg Moran, James Ha; Grattan Institute: 20 October 2019
Grattan report, Why it's time for congestion charging, argued that congestion charging is the most effective way to make Australia's capital cities work better. This new report lays out a detailed, feasible, and fair congestion-charging scheme for Australia's two biggest cities. More...

Practice and courts

Cladding Guideline
In early 2018, the Building Ministers Forum asked Standards Australia to develop the system. Standards Australia has developed a permanent labelling system of aluminium composite panelproducts to support the identification of these products throughout their life-cycle. The new guideline can be purchased from the Standards Australia website. (October 2019)


Planning and Building Approvals Process Review discussion paper
The paper examines planning and building delays and bottlenecks to identify how the systems can be improved. The report considers challenges caused by a shortage of building surveyors and other building practitioners as well as the overlap between the planning and building regulatory regimes. Consultation for the discussion paper closes on 15 November 2019. View the paper at hereand the response form is available here.


QBCC: Access codes and standards online
There are a number of online resources which give you access to national codes and standards.
The Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) website contain information about the WaterMark Certification Scheme and a library which provides access to the Plumbing Code of Australia resources. The NCC Tutor is an ABCB licensed product that provides an overview of the NCC volume three as well as worked examples of applying volume three. The Cross-connection control handbook provides guidance on cross-connection control requirements in NCC volume three (25 October 2019). More...


Stepanoski v Aslan (No 3) [2019] NSWSC 1445
CONTRACTS – extent to which defendant has been overpaid for work that had been completed before the Lump Sum Contract was terminated – whether the Lump Sum Contract was wrongly terminated by the plaintiffs or whether it was repudiated by the defendant.
DAMAGES – quantification of damages to which the plaintiffs or defendant would be entitled – differences in opinion evidence of expert witnesses – resolving differences without detailed cross-examination.
Construction certificate for the Works under the Lump Sum Contract - by cl 9 of the Lump Sum Contract, Mr Aslan warranted that the work would be performed in a proper and workmanlike manner, and in accordance with the plans and specifications set out, and that all materials supplied by him would be good and suitable for the purpose for which they were used


Chapel of Angels Pty Ltd v Hennessy Building Pty Ltd & Anor [2019] QCA 229
APPEAL AND NEW TRIAL – PROCEDURE – QUEENSLAND – STAY OF ORDERS – where the parties fell into dispute about various aspects of a building contract between them – where proceedings in the District Court resulted in orders being made which included the payment of the respondents' costs of the proceedings – where the applicant has brought an application for the stay of an order for the applicant to pay 75 per cent of the respondents' costs of the proceedings, including reserved costs, to be assessed on the standard basis for costs incurred up to 23 May 2018 and thereafter on the indemnity basis – whether the appeal has a reasonable chance of success – whether the allowing of a stay would be prejudicial to either of the parties if granted

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