Inside Track: Construction & Infrastructure - In the media, reports and cases

Holding Redlich


Holding Redlich, a national commercial law firm with offices in Melbourne, Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane, and Cairns, delivers tailored solutions with expert legal thinking and industry knowledge, prioritizing client partnerships.
This newsletter includes links to recent media releases, reports and cases relating to construction & infrastructure.
Australia Real Estate and Construction

In the media

Is it time to double down on Australia's big build?
As the country continues to shape its pandemic response, infrastructure must remain on the agenda.
With the country in hibernation, Australian policymakers must not be tempted to slow down on infrastructure. If anything, this may be the perfect opportunity to stimulate the economy for a faster recovery (17 April 2020). More...

Governments urged to fast-track construction projects as COVID-19 robs tradies of work
Governments are being urged to fast-track infrastructure projects to create jobs and support Australia's ailing economy. But economists have cautioned policymakers against approving new projects that offer little value to the community besides a short-term lift in employment (17 April 2020). More...

Master Builders Australia survey shows orders have "fallen off a cliff"
A survey of builders and tradies around the country has found new work could run out in the next few months if orders don't pick up, with the home building sector is being hit especially hard (17 April 2020). More...

Maximising infrastructure investment to stimulate the economy and deliver for communities
The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) is ready to work with governments to support these policies and maximise their benefits for communities across Australia. This call to action outlines six recommendations as a foundation for the GBCA, working in partnership with government, to support our bounce back (16 April 2020). More...

COVID-19: PM says Australia's construction industry will help keep the economy running
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has signalled he wants construction to continue to be classified as an essential service and considers the sector vital to the economy and jobs. While construction continues to be classified as essential under the Australian COVID-19 regime, work can continue on building sites (09 April 2020). More...

New South Wales

Fast-tracked planning system to support NSW economy
The New South Wales Government will cut red tape and fast-track planning processes through an acceleration program which is likely to have important impacts on consent authorities and proponents of development. The program's ambition is to keep construction booming in New South Wales to support the state's economic recovery (15 April 2020). More...

Dodgy builders warned against exploiting coronavirus construction push
The New South Wales Government says plans are in place to ensure no "lessening of standards" in the sector while seeking to push through development (15 April 2020). More...

Extended construction hours to keep work going during COVID-19
The New South Wales Government has introduced extended operating hours for construction sites to support the industry during the COVID-19 pandemic, with sites now able to operate on weekends and public holidays (08 April 2020). More...

Published - articles, papers, reports

ABCC industry update - April 2020 edition
The April edition of Industry Update features the latest information from the ABCC in response to COVID-19: FAQs, information on how to keep your worksite safe and more (15 April 2020). More...

Australian Bureau of Statistics
15 April 2020 Building Activity, Australia, Dec 2019 (cat no. 8752.0)
15 April 2020 Construction Activity: Chain Volume Measures, Australia, Dec 2019 (cat no. 8782.0.65.001)


Grocon (Belgrave St) Developer Pty Ltd v Construction Profile Pty Ltd [2020] NSWSC 409
BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION – Progress payments – Whether payment claim claiming amounts paid under bank guarantees is one for construction work or related goods or services – Whether adjudicator can determine whether it has jurisdiction to determine a claim – Whether set off clause in construction contract void under s 34 Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (NSW) - Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (NSW), ss 5, 6, 8, 13 and 34.

Brolton Group Pty Ltd v Hanson Construction Materials Pty Ltd [2020] NSWCA 63
BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION – appeals – payment claim referred for adjudication – where available reference date under construction contract – Building and Construction Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (NSW) – where adjudicator determined entitlement to payment claim by reference to an unavailable reference date – jurisdictional error – where available reference date under contract not the reference date addressed by the adjudicator – whether adjudication determination also involved a denial of natural justice

Adcon v Icon [2020] VSC 165
PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE – Injunctive relief – Building subcontract – Application to restrain proprietor from calling on bank guarantees – Serious issue to be tried – Consideration of whether appropriate to decide contract interpretation question as if on a final basis – Proper approach – Balance of convenience – Application for injunction dismissed.

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