30 April 2015

Checklist A - Internally-Managed QIAIF ICAV

Dillon Eustace


Dillon Eustace is one of Ireland’s leading law firms focusing on financial services, banking and capital markets, corporate and M&A, litigation and dispute resolution, insurance, real estate and taxation. Headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, the firm’s international practice has seen it establish offices in Tokyo (2000), New York (2009) and the Cayman Islands (2012).
The below checklist is an overview of the documents required in order to seek approval as an internally managed QIAIF which is structured as an Irish collective asset-management vehicle (“ICAV”) domiciled in Ireland.
Ireland Asset Management & Investment Funds
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Dillon Eustace Checklist A

Internally-Managed QIAIF ICAV

The below checklist is an overview of the documents required in order to seek approval as an internally managed QIAIF which is structured as an Irish collective asset-management vehicle (“ICAV”) domiciled in Ireland. Further specific documentation may be required on a case-by-case basis.

As the QIAIF will act as both AIFM and AIF in this structure, it is necessary to undertake a dual application process with the Central Bank.

  1. AIFM Application

The documentation required for the AIFM Application is as follows:

Material Documents


Central Bank Application for Authorisation as Alternative Investment Fund Manager

A comprehensive application form detailing compliance with AIFMD must be completed and submitted by the AIFM. The application form cross refers in certain sections to the various documentation outlined below (primarily the programme of activity) and requires details of ownership structure. A copy of the application form may be found on the Central Bank website.


Central Bank Application for Registration as an ICAV

To obtain registration as an ICAV it is necessary to submit an application form to the Central Bank together with the Instrument of Incorporation of the ICAV (see point 3 below). A copy of the ICAV registration form may be located on the Central Bank website.


Instrument of Incorporation

This is the constitutional document of the AIFM (and QIAIF) which sets out the internal rules for the AIFM (and QIAIF). The instrument of incorporation of the AIFM (and QIAIF) must be sufficiently wide to operate in accordance with AIFMD and the conditions imposed by the Central Bank.


Programme of Activity

The programme of activity is a business plan type document and must comprise detailed information on the structure of the AIFM including reporting lines, operational matters and delegation of functions to the AIF service providers. The Central Bank has outlined 16 key management functions in relation to the oversight of the AIF which range from the monitoring of compliance and risk management to dealing with the record keeping and reporting requirements pursuant to AIFMD. Each management function, including the oversight and reporting processes behind the management function, must be addressed within the programme of activity.

An extract of a sample programme of activity may be accessed via this [LINK].


Policies and Procedures

Under the AIFMD regime, it is necessary to have certain documented policies and procedures. These include Conduct of Business type policies such as a Personal Transactions Policy and Organisational type policies such as an Order Handling and Reporting Policy.

A sample list of the policies which may be required together with a sample Personal Transactions Policy and Order Handling and Reporting Policy may be accessed via this [LINK].


Statement of Responsibility

This is a short one to two page document which outlines which individual (for example a Director of the AIFM) is responsible for oversight of each management function.

An overview of a statement of responsibility may be accessed via this [LINK].


Capital Confirmation

The Central Bank requires an AIFM which is an internally managed AIF to have an initial capital of at least €300,000. The capital must be held in a form which complies with the Central Bank’s Eligible Asset requirements. Prior to the authorisation of the AIFM it is necessary to provide the Central Bank with (i) a letter from the Board of Directors of the AIFM stipulating the form and amount of capital and the name of the subscriber/source of funds and (ii) a bank statement evidencing the AIFM’s compliance with the minimum capital requirements and that such capital is held in “Eligible Assets”.


Individual Questionnaires

The Central Bank will need to approve each individual that it is proposed will act as a director of the AIFM (and QIAIF) as well as each individual who has a direct/indirect holding in the AIFM which represents 10% or more of the capital/voting rights in the AIFM and any other individual who is in a position to exercise significant influence over the management of the AIFM. As part of the approval process an individual questionnaire must be completed by each director of the AIFM and submitted to the Central Bank. The individual questionnaire is a comprehensive document and requires a high level of detail in respect of each director such as career history, directorships and qualifications, business interests and references. This individual questionnaire is completed on-line and a copy may be obtained on the Central Bank website.

Dillon Eustace can provide guidance on this application process.


Fitness and Probity/Director Letter of Appointments

Pursuant to the Central Bank’s Fitness and Probity Standards (the “F&P Standards”), a director of an AIFM (and QIAIF) is prescribed as a pre-approved controlled function (“PCF”). Accordingly, in addition to the fact each director needs to complete and submit an individual questionnaire to the Central Bank (as described above), the AIFM (and QIAIF) must also satisfy itself that the director is fit and proper for the role. It is therefore necessary for the AIFM to carry out due diligence checks on the director and to seek certain written confirmations from the director. Dillon Eustace, as legal advisors, assist in the compilation of the due diligence checks and the letters of appointment.

The fitness and probity documentation must be maintained by the AIFM (and QIAIF) in readily accessible form so that the Central Bank can inspect it upon request.

  1. QIAIF Application

The documentation required for the QIAIF application is as follows:

Material Documents



A QIAIF must publish a prospectus which must be dated and the essential elements of which must be kept up to date. The prospectus must contain sufficient information to enable investors to make an informed judgement of the proposed investment. The Central Bank prescribes the minimum content requirements of the prospectus. Such requirements include, but are not limited to, disclosure on specific information in relation to the QIAIF itself (name, form in law, registered/head office, date of establishment / incorporation and limited duration, if any), the investment objectives and policies, investment risk factors details regarding the directors and their experience, the material provisions of material contracts with the service providers and a description of fees and charges and other applicable expenses.

Dillon Eustace as legal advisers prepare the prospectus with input from the client and the various service providers.


Investment Management Agreement

The QIAIF, acting in its capacity as AIFM may appoint a third party investment manager pursuant to an investment management agreement. It is important to note that an AIFM cannot delegate the performance of investment management functions to an extent that exceeds by a substantial margin the investment management functions performed by the AIFM itself. The investment manager must be a regulated entity which has been approved to act as investment manager for Irish regulated collective investment schemes by the Central Bank. Generally, for an Irish entity to act as investment manager to an Irish regulated fund, it needs to be regulated under appropriate legislation (such as AIFMD, UCITS, MiFID or equivalent) to act as investment manager. The Central Bank will also approve regulated investment managers from jurisdictions which it considers to be of equivalent status.

Dillon Eustace as legal advisers prepare the investment management agreement with input from the client.


Distribution Agreement

The QIAIF, acting in its capacity as AIFM may appoint a head distributor with responsibility for the distribution, marketing and sales of shares of the QIAIF. The head distributor would the typically be authorised by the QIAIF to appoint sub-distributors in jurisdictions in which the AIFM is authorised to market the shares of the QIAIF. It is often the case that the investment manager may also be appointed as head distributor.

Dillon Eustace as legal advisers prepare the distribution agreement with input from the client.


Depositary Agreement

The QIAIF is required to appoint a single depositary which is responsible for custody and/or oversight of assets. The depositary must meet eligibility requirements pursuant to AIFMD. The depositary will provide the draft depositary agreement which is then reviewed and negotiated as required by the legal advisers.


Administration Agreement

It is also necessary to appoint an administrator who maintains the QIAIF’s records and carries out other functions such as calculating the net asset value of the QIAIF and preparation of the periodic reports. The administrator will provide the draft administration agreement which is then reviewed and negotiated as required by the legal advisers.


Prime Brokerage Agreement (where appointed)

The QIAIF, acting in its capacity as AIFM, may choose to appoint a prime broker to provide services such as clearing and custody facilities, intra-day credit to facilitate foreign exchange payments and securities transactions, margin credit to finance purchases of equity securities and securities lending to support the short positions of the QIAIF. The prime broker will provide the draft prime brokerage agreement which is then reviewed and negotiated as required by the legal advisers. It is typically also necessary for the QIAIF’s depositary to appoint the prime broker as a sub-depositary.


Letter of Application

The Central Bank requires a QIAIF to submit a standard letter of application seeking authorisation. Dillon Eustace as legal advisers prepare the letter of application.


Central Bank Application Forms

The Central Bank has an application form relevant to each of the various agreements above. There is also an application form which provides an overview of the QIAIF to the Central Bank and confirms the details within the application are correct and consistent with the legislation and Central Bank requirements. This particular application form must be signed by both the QIAIF and the depositary. These applications forms must be completed and submitted to the Central Bank. Certain letters of confirmation may also be required as part of the application process. Dillon Eustace as legal advisers prepare the Central Bank application forms with input from the client as necessary.


Share Application Form

A share application form will need to be prepared (this is not submitted to the Central Bank for approval). The share application form needs to be completed by each investor and provides the QIAIF with the necessary details on the investor together with certain representations, confirmations and indemnities in respect of the investment. The administrator will often provide a standard draft share application form which the legal advisers and client review.

Additional Considerations:


Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Policy

The QIAIF is a ‘designated person’ pursuant to the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Act 2010 (as amended)and as such is required to put in place its own Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Policy (“AML Policy”). The entity appointed as administrator of the QIAIF will typically be responsible for carrying out the necessary anti-money laundering procedures for and on behalf of the QIAIF. The QIAIF’s AML Policy therefore needs to be consistent with the administrator’s policy.


Money Laundering Reporting Officer

The Central Bank expects a money laundering reporting officer (“MLRO”) to be appointed for a QIAIF. The MLRO is responsible for receiving, assessing and passing to the relevant authorities any reports of suspicions of possible money laundering with respect to the investors in the QIAIF. The MLRO should be provided with direct access to the Board of Directors of the QIAIF and to the administrator in order to effectively carry out its duties.

A letter of appointment in respect of the MLRO should be put in place with the QIAIF.



Each QIAIF structured as an ICAV is required to have a secretary. The secretary is typically responsible for completion and filing of certain Central Bank statutory forms with the Central Bank, convening meetings of the board of directors and maintaining the minutes of board meetings.

A letter of appointment should be in place between the QIAIF and the secretary.



An auditor will need to be appointed to the QIAIF. The QIAIF is required to produce annual audited accounts.

An engagement letter with the Auditor will generally be put in place outlining the range and scope of services to be provided by the Auditor along with details of the fees which will be imposed.


Central Bank Online Reporting System – System Administrator

The Central Bank requires QIAIFs to submit financial data and other materials at specified intervals. The information is used as a way of monitoring the operations of the QIAIF and its compliance with the relevant requirements. The information is submitted via the Central Bank’s Online Reporting System (“ONR”). A System Administrator with respect to the ONR is required to be appointed.


Service Level Agreements

Service level agreements with certain of the service providers, including the investment manager, the administrator and the depositary may need to be put in place detailing matters such as operating procedures and key performance indicators.


Other Agreements

It may be necessary for the QIAIF to make other appointments in order to meet its regulatory requirements. For example, it may be necessary to enter into a FATCA Services Agreement.

Any additional agreements which are required for an individual QIAIF can be reviewed and negotiated in conjunction with your legal advisor.

Take Note
This document is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship. You should not act or rely on any information in this document without first seeking legal advice. This material is intended for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. If you have any specific questions on any legal matter, you should consult a professional legal services provider.
30 April 2015

Checklist A - Internally-Managed QIAIF ICAV

Ireland Asset Management & Investment Funds


Dillon Eustace is one of Ireland’s leading law firms focusing on financial services, banking and capital markets, corporate and M&A, litigation and dispute resolution, insurance, real estate and taxation. Headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, the firm’s international practice has seen it establish offices in Tokyo (2000), New York (2009) and the Cayman Islands (2012).

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