Cooley partner Shannon Eagan spoke on a panel discussion that reviewed the types of lawsuits that are hitting SPACs as well as how you can best position your company to avoid, or at least mitigate this litigation.
For more information, please email Deborah Argueta.
Topics Included
- Pre-close litigation beyond M&A challenge suits of the type filed against Lucid Motors
- The Akazoo settlement and what this means for future PIPE-related litigation
- The spike in post-business combination litigation against SPACs
- The evolution of non-indemnifiable fiduciary duty suit litigation
- SEC enforcement priorities
- Steps to take to mitigate litigation risk
Other presenters included Woodruff Sawyer's Priya Huskins and Nasdaq's Jeff Thomas as they discussed this rapidly evolving area of litigation.
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.