Pioneers and Pathfinders · Terri Mottershead
Today's guest is an innovation strategist and self-described "generative AI enthusiast." Among her many roles in the legal world, Terri Mottershead is the Executive Director of the Centre for Legal Innovation at the College of Law (CLI). After several years in private practice, she transitioned into professional development and lawyer training. Terri has led or taught on practical legal education initiatives in law schools in Asia, Australia, and the US. For more than a decade, she has been a consultant to legal professionals and organizations around the world, focusing on matters such as strategic and business planning, innovation, and change management. At the CLI, Terri supports leaders of legal businesses with identifying trends, developing strategies, and transforming their capabilities and practices to deliver legal services and products in new ways. Additionally, she is a blogger and serves on numerous boards and organizations in the legal industry.
In our conversation, Terri discusses how the CLI brings people on the "journey of transformation," her thoughts on the future of law schools, what makes her enthusiastic about generative AI, and why she chose to pursue the innovation path.
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