20 November 2023

Open Enrollment Highlights Challenges In Health Care Costs And Provider/Payer Relations

Thompson Coburn LLP


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That Modern Healthcare titled its article "Providers, employers wage war over costs" instead of characterizing the dispute as one between providers and health care insurance payers is perhaps misleading.
United States Food, Drugs, Healthcare, Life Sciences

That Modern Healthcare titled its article "Providers, employers wage war over costs" instead of characterizing the dispute as one between providers and health care insurance payers is perhaps misleading. As providers struggle post-pandemic, they continue to be pointed to wrongly or implicated as the problem.

The challenges during open enrollment further emphasize the need to amend and correct the issues present in the No Surprises Act to allow for providers to have a meaningful remediation for underpayment in the face of mounting out-of-network arrangements.

The employer-sponsored insurance market arrived at this moment for a plethora of reasons. Insurers aren't renewing multi-year contracts with providers, healthcare workers are demanding better pay, workforce shortages are worsening and utilization of some services has rebounded after patients delayed care during the worst stretches of the pandemic.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

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