This special edition of The Path & The Practice is dedicated to Mental Health Awareness Month. It features a conversation with Jen Patton (Chief Talent Officer), Leigh Riley (Partner, Employee Benefits), and Chris Ward (Partner, Labor & Employment) on attorney mental health and wellbeing. In this conversation, we share stories and experiences navigating difficulties in life, and highlight the many resources Foley & Lardner provides to support mental health and well-being. If you're tempted to skip this episode, please don't! This show is not just a list of programs but a candid discussion of the lows that lawyers may face throughout their career and the tools that can help us navigate. Ultimately, this show is about the importance of making space for your own humanity, using formal resources, and leaning on community when times are tough. To learn more about Jen, Leigh, and Chris you can listen to them on their respective episodes of The Path & The Practice: Jen Patton is episode 40, Leigh Riley is episode 52, Chris Ward is episode 25. Listen to the full discussion below.
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The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.